Revision history for Excel-Template-XLSX
v1.1.2 04-Dec-2021
Added sub _parse_final_pass, ot process merge_ranges, that have blank cells.
Fixed handling of styles to accept either 'True' or '1' as an XML attribute
v1.1.1 10-Dec-2019
added command to upload to CPAN
v1.1.0 10-Dec-2019
Changed to require Excel::Writer::XLSX version 1.01
v1.0.9 07-Oct-2019
Removed references to Mojo::Util which were used for development.
v1.0.8 24-Sep-2019
Fixed bug in handling of array formulas
v1.0.7 02-Jun-2016
Changed build script to require Excel::Writer::XLSX 0.90
v1.0.6 02-Jun-2016
Ticket #114543: Changed and test scripts to use EWX public api $worksheet->get_name()
issue arose from release of Excel::Writer::XLSX 0.90
v1.0.5 01-Mar-2016
Ticket #105683: Loosing format information in merged cells (rich strings)
v1.0.4 25-Jun-2015
Fixed checking of duplicate sheet names in template, Cell A1 changed from A:1
v1.0.3 06-Apr-2015
Fixed t\08-open-output.t to just use a null string
v1.0.2 01-Apr-2015
Removed CPAN::Uploader from build script
Fixed t\08-open-output.t '*' is a valid file name on
unix based systems. Test failed.
Changed test file to null character \x00invalid
v1.0.1 30-Mar-2015
Fixed t\08-open-output.t '*' is a valid file name on
unix based systems. Test failed.
Changed test file to null character \x00
v1.0.0 26-Mar-2015
Initial Release of Excel-Template-XLSX to GitHub and CPAN