Revision history for Lingua-EN-Inflexion
0.000001 Wed May 14 16:41:49 2014
Initial release.
0.000002 Tue Jul 22 19:32:11 2014
No changes logged
0.000003 Tue May 5 16:11:33 2015
* Patched POD nits
0.000004 Fri May 8 07:03:02 2015
* Silenced backwards incompatible experimental warnings about
smartmatching under Perl 5.18 and later
(Thanks Alexandr and Karen)
0.000005 Sat May 21 08:14:35 2016
* Fixed "horses" --> "horse", etc.
* Fixed pod nit ("one-to-to")
* Fixed inflect() behaviour when not count set
(now consistently defaults to singular as intended)
* Fixed internal error in (thanks Michael!)