Mon Dec 11 13:37:12 EST 2000

    Original version

0.50    Thu May  3 13:54:34 2001

    - Fixed handling of 'posterus', 'ultimus' etc.

    - Fixed handling of 'si' (thanks James)

    - Added 'itera' for 'x' (thanks James)

    - Added the 'dictum sic..cis' construct for q{...} (thanks Peter)

    - Added "consocia" for &, "interseca" for |, and "discerne" for ^.

    - Add "cum" as precedence disambiguator

    - Fixed "sere" so that it doesn't space what it joins (thanks Philip)

    - Numerous documentation patches (thanks Todd and Philip)

    - Added "come" to convert numbers to roman numerals (thanks Anselm)

    - Added roman numerals up to 9,999,999,999 (thanks Anselm)

0.6  Thu Jul  7 10:32:48 2016

    - Several POD nits fixed (thanks Audrey, Ken, timeless, and Daniel)

    - General improvements to handling genitives

    - Made source code (largely) case-insensitive

    - General update, clean, and tidy