Revision history for Var-Pairs

0.000001  Fri May 25 06:52:11 2012
       Initial release.

0.001000  Wed Jul 18 13:54:16 2012

    First public release

0.001001  Wed Jul 18 13:55:31 2012

    Update README

0.001002  Sat Mar 23 07:58:28 2013

    Removed autobox dependency for t/kvs.t
    (Thanks Salvatore!)

0.001003  Thu Aug  8 11:46:09 2013

    Converted to use Devel::Callsite instead of Scope::Upper
    in order to identify caller location for the each_...
    family of functions.

0.001005  Tue Mar 11 10:17:52 2014

    Added export controls (thanks Rob)

0.002000  Sat Apr  5 17:19:03 2014

    Converted Pair class to array-based for a 50% speed-up
    (thanks Toby!)

    Added ->kv() to Pair type
    (thanks Toby)

0.002001  Wed Mar 11 20:04:58 2015

    Swapped a doc nit (thanks Garry!)

    Documented non-resettable nature of each_kv() iterators
    (i.e. they don't reset when the original hash is key()'d)
    (thanks John)

    Allowed each_kv to work correctly on different containers
    that are passed to the same call: each_kv( %{$some_ref} )
    (thanks John!)

0.002002  Wed Mar 11 20:13:33 2015

    Allowed each_pair and pairs to also work correctly on different
    containers that are passed to the same call

0.002003  Wed Mar 11 20:42:14 2015

    Fixed brittle testing approach in t/each_via_ref.t
    (Thanks Slaven!)

    Neutralized irritating experimental warnings on reference operations
    (Thanks Slaven)

0.002004  Wed Mar 11 21:01:52 2015

    Sigh. Tweak experimentals warnings for 5.18.
    (Thanks again Slaven)

0.003000  Sat Aug 20 12:04:59 2016

    Strip out autoderefs to continue working under 5.23+
    (thanks, Slaven)

    Improve identification of each unique context
    (by adding use of context())

    Refactor Var::Pairs::Pair to avoid use of Data::Alias
    under Perl 5.24+
    (thanks Salvatore)

0.003001  Sat Aug 20 16:48:23 2016