Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Cache.

1.30 Thu Sep 26 13:01:32 EDT 2002
- Added enable_output feature. (Feature request from Theo Petersen
- Verified SpeedyCGI compatibility. (Impetus from Theo Petersen
- Added a new section on use in persistent environments. (Impetus from Theo
  Petersen <>.)
- Corrected tie, tied, and untie syntax--apparently not a bug, although it
  should have been. (Thanks to Benjamin Goldberg <> for
  the suggestion.)

1.21 Mon Feb 11 16:37:40 EST 2002
- Fixed a documentation bug in the synopsis. (Thanks to Ken
  <> for the report.)
- Added a long-overdue credit to Terrance Brannon <> in
  the authors section of the POD. He had donated me the use of the CGI::Cache
  namespace, and kindly allowed the current codebase to replace his.

1.20 Fri Oct 19 11:51:19 EDT 2001
- Added a FORCE_INSTALL option to Makefile.PL to skip warnings about
  possibly incompatible versions.
- Many thanks to Benjamin Goldberg <> for helping to
  fix the tie'ing of STDOUT so that it works well with FastCGI. CGI::Cache
  is now fully compatible with FastCGI and mod_perl, and no extra work needs
  to be done on the part of the user. Thanks also to Pao-Hsi Huang
  <> for raising the issue.
- Migrated over to Cache::Cache from File::Cache. The interface has changed
  slightly, and is not fully backward compatible with previous versions.
- Changed test script to use the same perl interpreter for testing as the
  one that was used to run the test script itself. (Thanks to Honza
  Pazdziora <> for the patch.)
- Added features to explictly identify the handles to monitor and the
  handles upon which to output. This allows CGI::Cache to interoperate
  better with other modules which attempt to bind to STDOUT and STDERR, and
  allows the user to cache output to files.
- Side-effects of CGI::Cache (tie'ing of handles, rebinding of warn() and
  die()) now only occur when CGI::Cache is actually caching output.
- CGI::Cache::start() now returns 0 instead of exiting after cached output
  is printed. This provides better compatibility with persistent CGI scripts
  implemented using mod_perl or FastCGI.
- Added several new test cases

1.10  Jul 30 11:08:00 EST 2001
- Fixed ambiguous die() warnings under Perl 5.6
- Added pause(), continue(), invalidate_cache_entry(), and buffer() methods.
- Added test cases for new methods.

1.03  Mon Jan 29 21:56:50 EST 2001
- Now prevents caching of output for applications which call a $SIG{__DIE__}
  that doesn't print to STDERR. An example of this type of application is
  "CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser)"

1.02  Mon Nov 13 00:07:24 EST 2000
- Fixed issues to make module mod_perl compatible. (Thanks to Trevor
  Henthorn <> for the bug report.)
- Fixed stop() documentation. (Thanks to Trevor Henthorn
  <> for the bug report.)
- Moved development to SourceForge. 
- Fixed warnings about tie under Perl 5.6. (Thanks to Douglas Wilson
  <> for the report and fix suggestion)

1.01  Mon Oct  2 18:18:25 EDT 2000
- Maintenance handed over to David Coppit <>. All
  changes in this version are made by him.
- Underlying caching is now handled by File::Cache. This allows for extra
  features such as cache maximum sizes, transparent cache entry expiration,
- The cache key can now be any data structure instead of just a simple
  string. This means that one can just hand the CGI parameters directly to
  CGI::Cache and it will figure out a suitable stringified cache key.
- Because File::Cache now does most of the cache management automatically,
  SetRoot, Expire, and ExpireLRU have been removed from the interface
- Output is now cached and then printed as each print statement occurs.
  Previously all the output would be dumped to STDOUT after the script
  completed execution. (This helps the responsiveness of the CGI script for
  browsers which can handle on-the-fly layout of web pages.)
- Output is not cached if the script exits from an error condition.
  Previously, a problem with the script would cause an empty document to be
- A setup(\%options) subroutine has been added for setting up the details of
  the cache.
- The file mode parameter for most functions has been removed. Instead, the
  file mode is set when initializing the module using the setup(\%options)

1.00  Thu Jun 25 20:47:30 EST 1998
- Added routine ExpireLRU() per suggestion from Daniel LaLiberte.

0.99  Wed Jun 17 20:06:08 EST 1998
- Added some modifications to the docs. There is a BUGS
  piece of info wrt signals that kill your process and
  make the module misbehave.
- I added the Copyright info and license info as suggested
  by the docs at /CPAN/modules/04pause.html. Those are
  agreeable terms.
- misc. formatting of docs.
- hopefully ready for submission to PAUSE now... :-)

0.98  Tue Jun  2 17:45:30 EST 1998
- Took my existing CGI caching work and rolled it into
  this module, hoping to get a first stab at working
  distribution. I'm using a "closer-to 1.0" version,
  as the guts of this module have already been around
  and working for a while.

0.01  Thu May 28 18:07:00 1998
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18