
  0.15 - 12 Jan 2017

      * Adding VIC Grand Final Eve for 2017, WA Queens Birthday 2018

  0.14 - 24 Jan 2016

      * Adding VIC Grand Final Eve for 2016, WA Queens Birthday 2017

  0.13 - 25 Aug 2015

      * RT #106648 - Adding VIC Grand Final Eve holiday.

  0.12 - 31 Aug 2014

      * RT #98471 - Fixing pod errors.  Patch from JONASBN.

  0.11 - 4 Feb 2014

      * RT #92714 - Changing NSW to not get a ANZAC Day Holiday if ANZAC Day falls on a weekend
      * RT #92714 - Changing NSW to get "Additional Day" if Christmas Day or Boxing Day falls on a weekend

  0.10 - 5 Jan 2014

      * Adding WA Queens Birthday for 2015 and 2016
      * perltidy and perlcritic passing at -5

  0.09 - 3 March 2012

      * Adding WA Queens Birthday for 2013 and 2014
      * Updated the change in WA Queens Birthday for 2011 from October 3 to October 28

  0.08 - 7 March 2011

      * Added Makefile.PL license and abstract entries

  0.07 - 6 March 2010

      * Adding WA Queens Birthday for 2011 and 2012

  0.06 - 9 Feb 2007

      * Fixed WA Queens Birthday for 2010

  0.05 - 11 August 2007

      * Adding WA Queens Birthday for 2008, 2009 and 2010.
      * Added META.yml file

  0.04 - 17 December 2005

      * Another patch from JONASBN.  Now croaking instead of dying. Handling holidays
	with reasonable defaults, eg current year and 'VIC' as the state.

  0.03 - 10 December 2005

      * Patch from JONASBN to allow smoother interaction with Date::Holidays