1.005 2015-05-25

   * all: fixed confusing unwarranted warning message (about ~~ argument)

1.004 2015-05-25

    Mostly a bug fix release.
    Please use now github to report issues on cme
    ( https://github.com/dod38fr/cme-perl/issues )

    * metadata:
      * switched bugtracker to github's
      * fixed repo and website urls (Tx xtaran)
    * all: add a warning if conf file is not found (may mean a
      missing ~~ argument). (I'd welcome ideas on how to replace this
      iffy ~~ argument)
    * dump command:
      + added possibility to select a node to dump
      * fixed -dumptype which is not mandatory
    * test can run with local cme or system cme to fix debian continuous
      integrations tests

1.003 2015-04-26

  Bug fix release:

    * Common: pass cme messages through on_message_cb
    * update: call C::M::Instance->update
      (require Config::Model 2.068)
    * dump: remove debug call to YYY

1.002 2015-01-10

    * gen-class-pod:
	  * fix doc and missing command arguments
    * update:
	  + added -edit option to run editor after an update
      * fix typo in pod doc
    * dist.ini: updated © to 2015

1.001 2014-11-29

    * require Config::Model 2.063 (to avoid bash_completion clash)
    * improved messages printed by update command
    * added 'gen-class-pod' alias for gen_class_pod
    * bash_completion:
      + added help version commands update in hard-coded list of commands
      * fixed syntax error

0.001 2014-11-25

    First release of App::Cme.

    These are the changes done to cme compared to the old cme shipped
    with Config::Model 2.061:

    * Cme has been re-written with App::Cmd
    - old mechanism for cme extension is removed. Extensions support
      is provided by App::Cmd
    + added gen_class_pod and update commands
    + added -quiet option to suppress progress messages
    * fix mistached options wrt available commands in bash_completion
    * added -root-dir option (used for tests)