# This file is part of Config-Model
# This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by Dominique Dumont, Krzysztof Tyszecki.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
            'name' => 'Debian::Dpkg::Copyright::Content',
            'element' => [
                             'cargo' => {
                                          'value_type' => 'uniline',
                                          'type' => 'leaf'
                             'type' => 'list',
                             'description' => 'One or more free-form copyright statement(s) that apply to the files matched by the above pattern. If a work has no copyright holder (i.e., it is in the public
        domain), that information should be recorded here.
                             'type' => 'node',
                             'config_class_name' => 'Debian::Dpkg::Copyright::License'