# # This file is part of Config-Model # # This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2018 by Dominique Dumont. # # This is free software, licensed under: # # The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999 # package Config::Model::SearchElement; $Config::Model::SearchElement::VERSION = '2.118'; use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels); use Carp; use strict; use warnings; use Config::Model::Exception; my $logger = get_logger("Model::Searcher"); sub new { my $type = shift; my %args = @_; my $self = {}; foreach my $p (qw/model node/) { $self->{$p} = delete $args{$p} or croak "Searcher->new: Missing $p parameter"; } bless $self, $type; $self->{privilege} = $args{privilege} || 'master'; my $root_class = $self->{node}->config_class_name; $self->{data} = $self->_sniff_class( $root_class, $self->{privilege}, {} ); return $self; } # to verify the data structure returned by search_element, you can used # either Data::Dumper or Tk::ObjScanner (both are available on CPAN) sub _sniff_class { my ( $self, $class, $privilege, $found_ref ) = @_; my @lines; my %h; my $model = $self->{model}; my $c_model = $model->get_model($class); $logger->trace("sniffing config class $class"); croak "Recursive config class $class detected, aborting..." if defined $found_ref->{$class}; $found_ref->{$class} = 1; my @elements = $model->get_element_name( class => $class, ); foreach my $element (@elements) { my $element_model = $c_model->{element}{$element}; my $element_type = $element_model->{type}; my $cargo = $element_model->{cargo}; my $c_type = defined $cargo ? $cargo->{type} : ''; my $cfg_class_name = defined $cargo ? $cargo->{config_class_name} : $element_model->{config_class_name}; my %local_found = %$found_ref; if ( $element_type =~ /(warped_)?node/ or $c_type =~ /(warped_)?node/ ) { my $tmp = $element_type eq 'node' || $c_type eq 'node' ? $self->_sniff_class( $cfg_class_name, $privilege, \%local_found ) : $self->_sniff_warped_node( $element_model, $privilege, \%local_found ); # merge all tmp in %h map { $h{$_}{next_step}{$element} = $tmp->{$_}; } keys %$tmp; } else { $h{$element}{next_step}{$element} = ''; } } $logger->trace("done sniffing config class $class"); return \%h; } sub _sniff_warped_node { my ( $self, $element_model, $privilege, $found_ref ) = @_; my %warp_tmp; my $ref = $element_model->{warp}{rules}; my @rules = ref $ref eq 'HASH' ? %$ref : @$ref; for ( my $r_idx = 0 ; $r_idx < $#rules ; $r_idx += 2 ) { my $res = $rules[ $r_idx + 1 ]{config_class_name}; my $sub_class = ref $res ? $res->[0] : $res; # sniff all classes mentionned in warped node rules my %local_found = %$found_ref; my $tmp = $self->_sniff_class( $sub_class, $privilege, \%local_found ); # merge all tmp in %warp_tmp map { $warp_tmp{$_}{next_class}{$sub_class} = $tmp->{$_}; } keys %$tmp; } return \%warp_tmp; } sub get_searchable_elements { my $self = shift; sort keys %{ $self->{data} }; } sub prepare { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; foreach my $p (qw/element/) { $self->{$p} = delete $args{$p} or croak "Searcher->prepare: Missing $p parameter"; } $self->reset; # initialize the search engine unless ( defined $self->{search_tree} ) { my $searched = $self->{element}; my $root_class = $self->{node}->config_class_name; Config::Model::Exception::User->throw( message => "Searcher cannot find element '$searched' " . "from $root_class. Found only " . join( ' ', sort keys %{ $self->{data} } ) ); } return $self; } sub reset { my $self = shift; my $searched = $self->{element}; $self->{search_tree} = $self->{data}{$searched}; $self->{current}{object} = $self->{node}; $self->{current}{element_name} = 'Root'; $self->{current}{element_type} = 'node'; } sub searched { return shift->{element}; } sub next_step { my $self = shift; my $current_obj = $self->{current}{object}; my @result; if ( $current_obj->get_type =~ /list|hash/ ) { @result = $current_obj->fetch_all_indexes; } else { my $next_step = $self->{search_tree}{next_step}; @result = ref $next_step ? sort keys %$next_step : defined $next_step ? die "next_step error" : (); } #my $name = $self->{current}{element_name} ; #print "From $name, next_step is @result\n"; return wantarray ? @result : \@result; } sub next_choice { my $self = shift; my $result; while (1) { $result = $self->next_step; $logger->trace("next_choice: result is @$result"); return $result if scalar @$result != 1; $self->choose(@$result); } } # TBD if choice is an id, Node is a hash... sub choose { my $self = shift; my $choice = shift; #print "choose $choice from node\n"; my $obj = $self->{current}{object}; if ( $obj->get_type =~ /hash|list/ ) { $self->choose_from_id_element($choice); } else { $self->choose_from_node($choice); } } sub choose_from_id_element { my $self = shift; my $choice = shift; #print "choose $choice from id\n"; my $id_obj = $self->{current}{object}; my $class = $id_obj->config_class_name; # the following line may trigger an exception for warped out # elements my $next_node = $id_obj->fetch_with_id($choice); $self->{current}{object} = $next_node; return $next_node; } sub choose_from_node { my $self = shift; my $choice = shift; #print "choose $choice from node\n"; my $next = $self->{search_tree}{next_step}; my $node = $self->{current}{object}; my $node_class = $node->config_class_name; if ( ref($next) and not defined $next->{$choice} ) { Config::Model::Exception::User->throw( message => "Searcher: wrong choice '$choice' " . "from $node_class. expected " . join( ' ', sort keys %$next ) ); } # the following line may trigger an exception for warped out # elements my $next_node = $node->fetch_element($choice); # $next is a scalar for leaf element of a ref for node element if ( $next->{$choice} ) { my $data = $next->{$choice}; # gobble next_class for warped_node element if ( defined $data->{next_class} ) { my $chosen_class = $next_node->config_class_name; $data = $data->{next_class}{$chosen_class}; unless ( defined $data ) { Config::Model::Exception::User->throw( message => "Searcher: choice '$choice' " . "from $node_class leads to a warped out node: " . $next_node->warp_error ); } } $self->{search_tree} = $data; } else { $self->{search_tree} = { next_step => undef }; $next_node = $node->fetch_element($choice); } $self->{current}{object} = $next_node; $self->{current}{element_type} = $node->element_type($choice); $self->{current}{element_name} = $choice; return $next_node; } sub current_object { my $self = shift; return $self->{current}{object}; } sub auto_choose { my $self = shift; my $elt_cb = shift || croak "auto_choose: missing element call back"; my $id_cb = shift || croak "auto_choose: missing id call back"; my $object = $self->{current}{object}; while (1) { my $next_step = $self->next_step; if ( scalar @$next_step == 0 ) { # found target return $self->{current}{object}; } my $next_choice = ( scalar @$next_step == 1 ) ? $next_step->[0] : $elt_cb->( $object, @$next_step ); $self->_auto_choose_elt( $next_choice, $id_cb ); } } sub _auto_choose_elt { my $self = shift; my $next_choice = shift; my $id_cb = shift; $self->choose($next_choice); my $elt_type = $self->{current}{element_type}; if ( $elt_type =~ /list|hash/ ) { my $object = $self->{current}{object}; my @choice = $object->fetch_all_indexes(); my $id = @choice == 1 ? $choice[0] : $id_cb->( $object, @choice ); $self->{current}{object} = $object->fetch_with_id($id); } } 1; # ABSTRACT: Search an element in a configuration model __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Config::Model::SearchElement - Search an element in a configuration model =head1 VERSION version 2.118 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Config::Model; # define configuration tree object my $model = Config::Model->new; $model->create_config_class( name => "Foo", element => [ [qw/foo bar/] => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' }, ] ); $model ->create_config_class ( name => "MyClass", element => [ [qw/foo bar/] => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' }, hash_of_nodes => { type => 'hash', # hash id index_type => 'string', cargo => { type => 'node', config_class_name => 'Foo' }, }, ], ) ; my $inst = $model->instance(root_class_name => 'MyClass' ); my $root = $inst->config_root ; # put data my $step = 'foo=FOO hash_of_nodes:fr foo=bonjour - hash_of_nodes:en foo=hello '; $root->load( step => $step ); # create searcher for manual search my $searcher = $root->searcher(); # looking for foo element in the tree $searcher -> prepare (element => 'foo') ; my @next = $searcher->next_step() ; print "next possible steps: @next\n"; # next possible steps: foo hash_of_nodes # Looking for foo below hash_of_nodes $searcher->choose('hash_of_nodes') ; @next = $searcher->next_step() ; print "next possible steps: @next\n"; # next possible steps: en fr # Looking for foo below fr $searcher->choose('fr') ; @next = $searcher->next_step() ; print "next possible steps: @next\n"; # next possible steps: foo # last step $searcher->choose('foo') ; my $target = $searcher->current_object; print "Found '",$target->location,"'\n"; # Found 'hash_of_nodes:fr foo' # automatic search setup my $element_call_back = sub { return 'hash_of_nodes' ;} ; my $id_call_back = sub { return 'en' ;} ; $searcher->reset ; $target = $searcher->auto_choose($element_call_back, $id_call_back) ; print "Automatic search found '",$target->location,"'\n"; # Automatic search found 'hash_of_nodes:en foo' =head1 DESCRIPTION This modules provides a way to search for a configuration element in a configuration tree by exploring the configuration model. For instance, suppose that you have a xorg.conf model and you know that you need to tune the C<MergedXinerama> parameter, but you don't remember where is this parameter in the configuration tree. This module guides you through the tree to the(s) node(s) that contain this parameter. This class should be invaluable to construct interactive user interfaces. This module provides 2 search modes: =over =item * A manual search where you are guided step by step to the element you're looking for. At each step, the module returns you the possible paths to choose from. The user has to choose the correct path from the available paths. Most of the time, only one possibility is returned, so the user choice should be straightforward. In other case (more that one choice), the user has to decide the next step. =item * An automatic search where you provide call-back that resolves the ambiguities in case of multiple paths. =back =head1 CONSTRUCTOR The constructor should be used only by L<Config::Model::Node>. =head1 Methods =head2 get_searchable_elements Return the list of elements found in model that can be searched in the configuration tree. =head2 prepare(element => ...) Prepare the searcher to look for the element passed in the argument. Returns the searcher object (i.e. $self). =head2 reset Re-initialize the search engine to redo the search from start =head2 searched Returns the searched element name. =head1 Manual search =head2 next_step() Returns an array (or a ref depending on context) containing the next possible step to find the element you're looking for. The array ref can contain 1 or more elements. If the array ref is empty, you can get the target element with L</"current_object()">. =head2 next_choice() Returns an array ref containing the next non-obvious choice to find the element you're looking for. If the array ref is empty, you can get the target element with L</"current_object()">. =head2 choose( <chosen_element_name> ) Tell the search engine your choice. The chosen element name must be one of the possibilities given by L</"next_step()">. =head2 current_object() Returns the object where the search engine is. It can be a L<node|Config::Model::Node>, a L<list|Config::Model::ListId>, a L<hash|Config::Model::HashId>, or a L<leaf element|Config::Model::Value>. =head1 Automatic search =head2 auto_choose ( element_callback, id_call_back) Finds the searched element with minimal user interaction. C<element_callback> is called when the search engine finds a node where more than one element can lead to the searched item. C<id_call_back> is called when the search engine finds a hash element or a list element which contain B<no> or B<more than 1> elements. In this case the call-back returns an id that is used by the search engine to get the target element. Both call-back arguments are: =over =item * The current object (as returned by L</"current_object()">) =item * A list of possible choices =back For instance, your callback can be : my $id_cb = sub { my ($object,@choices) = @_ ; .... return $choice[1] ; } Both call-back are expected to return a scalar value that is either: =over =item * An element name =item * An id valid for the list or hash element returned by L</"current_object()">. =back =head1 AUTHOR Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org) =head1 SEE ALSO L<Config::Model>, L<Config::Model::Node>, L<Config::Model::AnyId>, L<Config::Model::ListId>, L<Config::Model::HashId>, L<Config::Model::Value>, =head1 AUTHOR Dominique Dumont =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2005-2018 by Dominique Dumont. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999 =cut