4.001 2019-04-29
Main change:
* Deprecate global variables used in test specs. The tests now
should be specified with a data structure instead of using
global variables. Using global variable is now deprecated.
Doc changes:
* Update Tester doc for deprecated global variables
* Add credits list with Cyrille as first contributor
3.007 2019-01-12
New feature:
* add $app_to_test variable to specify which application
to test instead of specifying directly the model to test
* check parameter can specify more that one test per value
Bug fix:
* don't always warn about deprecated dump_warnings
* improve bad option error message
Doc changes:
* remove mentions of sourceforge mailing list
* improve code style in examples
* fix error in Setup pod doc
* Tester pod: fix links to Config::Model methods
* Tester doc: fix examples to run tests
3.006 2018-04-14
* Tester: can call run_tests without arguments. Calling
run_tests with arguments is deprecated
* Setup: allow customised command line options (command line
args are processed by init_test)
* Setup: fix synopsis
* init_test: initialize log4perl when -l option is passed
3.005 2018-04-02
* Setup: clarify doc
* check dump, update and load warnings with
* requires Test::Log::Log4Perl
3.004 2018-03-28
* Add Config::Model::Tester::Setup module to reduce
boilerplate found in t/*.t
* Tester: create test directories
(See https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/issues/16)
* Tester: allow trace of second config tree dump
3.003 2017-11-05
* fix test file contents to work with utf-8
3.002 2017-08-22
* add doc for $skip variable
* reset $model_to_test between test runs to fix consecutive tests
that use the same model with different setup
3.001 2017-06-03
* Jump to version 3.001 because I messed up previous release.
* fix typos in doc
2.062 2017-06-01
Bug fix
* Skip file mode test on Windows.
2.061 2017-05-31
* add support for backend_arg (for Config::Model 2.104)
* add update_warnings parameter
2.060 2017-03-05
* add file_mode parameter to test permission (mode) of
written files
2.059 2017-02-12
* allow to reuse test data. Use data_from parameter to re-use test
data from another test case
* mention that file list is sorted when comparing files written by
first and second test instance
* add load2 parameter to load configuration data in
the second test instance.
Bug fix
* recreate model object for each application test (i.e. a new model
object is created for each *-test-conf.pl file)
* dist.ini: update © year
2.058 2016-12-05
Minor bug fix:
* prevent undef warning seen in smoke and travis tests
2.057 2016-09-03
Bug fix for Perl 5.24 and Debian perl 5.22.2-4:
* load test file even if @INC does not contain '.'
2.056 2016-09-01
* added an option to check config tree content
before calling apply_fix
* Changed syntax of dump check parameters (old syntax is
still accepted)
2.055 2016-05-26
Minor bug fixes:
* removed debug print
* avoid undef warning
2.054 2016-04-17
* improved Tester documentation
* inform user when a global var is missing in test setup
* fix file check when setup param is used
* handle dir specification containing ~/
2.053 2016-03-28
New features:
* pass application when creating instance
* use config_dir specified in app info file
* Report error with model specification
* Improved doc
2.052 2015-10-17
* New features:
* subtest filter parameter is now a regexp.
I.e you can filter tests like this:
prove t/model_test.t :: x stuff '^foo$'
* you can run update test with no_warnings and quiet param
* global no_warnings param also apply to load and dump
* Misc:
* bug tracker is now on github
2.051 2015-05-20
* New features:
+ Added has_key and has_not_key parameters to check hash
element content
2.050 2015-03-29
* Bug fix:
* fix check_data function
2.049 2015-03-28
* New features:
* check argument also accept a regexp ( i.e. a qr// )
+ added option to run 'update' test
* Allow to start test without config file (from scratch)
* changed dependency:
* replaced Path::Class with Path::Tiny
* Internal changes:
* refactored most of the logic in separate functions
2.048 2014-06-04
* C::M::Tester: added load_check2 parameter
2.047 2013-10-06
* Updated Pod documents and added link to examples
* Updated dependency list
2.046 2013-09-20
* depends on Path::Class >= 0.29
2.045 2013-09-15
* Fix broken tests on Windows (mixup between / and \ )
2.044 2013-09-07
* accept array ref for file_contents* tests
* fix spurious creation of '0' dir
2.043 2013-08-23
* fix file_content* tests (bad path computation)
2.042 2013-08-14
* fix file created/removed comparison
* added require perl5.10
2.041 2013-08-12
* rewrote using Path::Class. Added setup parameter
2.041_01 2013-08-11
* Initial release. This module was moved from Config-Model