2012-05-29 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.337
* TkUI:
* added 'show only custom values' check button in main panel
* Bound 'Return' (aka Enter) key to begin search in the find widget
(the one in 'Edit -> Find' menu)
2012-05-29 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.336
* replace deprecated get_all_indexes with fetch_all_indexes
(requires Config::Model 2.017)
* view_unsaved_change widget can now be expanded
* fix dependency on Test::Memory::Cycle
(with '::' between Memory and Cycle)
2012-05-06 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.335
* TkUI: enable quitting even if no data is to be saved
* removed todo list. Added 'more info' help item
* renamed show_changes menu into show_unsaved_changes
2012-05-05 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.334
* main widget (TkUI):
+ added show_change menu entry. Offer the same possibility
when asked about saving before quitting
* leaf editor:
* Fix external editor call so the user can continue edition
from widget to external editor without loosing modification
already done in the text widget.
+ added ballon and changed button label to help user
* require Config::Model 2.014
* build-depend on Test::MemoryCycle
2012-03-20 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.333
* Fix error when updating a leaf value through NodeEditor
2012-03-14 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.332
* Hash editor: enable buttons when mouse button-2 is released
* wizard: clarify stop button. Added quit button
* Leaf editor: grab focus when using external editor
* Depends on Config::Model >= 2.001
2011-11-30 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.331
* dist.ini (hence Build.PL): Depends on Config::Model 1.263
(Fixes a bug triggered by new NodeEditor widget)
2011-11-29 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.330
* dist.ini (hence Build.PL): added Tk::Pod dependency
(Fix RT# 72229)
+ NodeEditor: Added widget to add element when node has
an accept clause
* TkUI: trim also default value displayed in tk tree
* ListEditor: do not update list widget when modif was
refused by Config::Model
2011-10-10 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.329
* ListEditor: signal TKUI that data needs to be saved when list is
* LeafEditor: do not clear entry when input is wrong. This is
* TkUI: updated license wording to keep Debian lintian happy
2011-09-23 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.328
* ListEditor: enable apply_fix button
* TkUI: Restrict cut buffer paste to tree widget
2011-09-16 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.327
* TkUI.pm:
* Fixed bug where force display did not work with hash
keys containing non alphanumeric of space
* Changed logger class to TkUI (instead of
2011-09-02 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.326
* added check warning button in list viewer and editor
2011-05-17 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.325
* TkUI.pm: disable double-click because it trigger
editor when double clicking outside of Hlist
* NodeEditor.pm: respect order of element when
completing the pane widget after warp
2011-05-17 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.324
* Depends on Config::Model 1.244
* TkUI: added search widget (menu "Edit -> Search" or
just hit <Ctrl-F>)
* ListEditor: fix bug that prevented to push a null value
2011-04-11 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.323
* LeafEditor: show value help widget only when useful
* TkUI: added help menu entry to show the config class man page.
* AnyViewer: use Tk::Text::Pod to display on-line help
* Paste on List items will push content of cut buffer into the list
* ListEditor: reworked layout for better usability, added sort button
* HashEditor: reworked layout for better usability
2011-03-04 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.322
* Changed nb of skipped tests (fix test plan issues
when Tk cannot be run)
2011-03-01 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.321
* TkUi.pm: renamed 'check' menu to 'check for errors'. Added 'check for warnings'
* AnyViewer: renamed warning widget to 'issue'. Display errors with red background
* NodeEditor: added widget to edit node annotations
2011-01-11 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.320
* LeafViewer: removed 'apply fix' button. This one is reserved for
2011-01-09 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.319
* LeafEditor: added fix button to fix warnings (if model provides a fix)
* Wizard: clicking on next or previous does save value from wizard. 'stop' button
will use new bail_out method from WizardHelper.
2010-12-21 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.318
* ListEditor: changed label of push button (minor)
* Run-time depends on File::Slurp
* LeafEditor: added external editor button
2010-11-05 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.317
* TkUi.pm: in Tk::Error call Show on Dialog to avoid masking errors
2010-10-19 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.316
* dist.ini/Buil.PL: added missing test dependency
* LeadEditor: fix check call
2010-10-19 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.315
* Do no check value when creating widgets. Values will be checked
when saving file
* ListEditor: update 'set selected' entry when a list item is selected"
2010-10-15 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.314
* removed stuff obsoleted by Config::Model 1.212
* Depends on Config::Model 1.212
* added utf8 characters in tests
2010-10-08 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.313
* Added display of configuration warnings provided by
Config::Model 1.211
* Depends on Config::Model >= 1.211
2010-10-04 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.312
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (disp_hash): Fixed the synchronize ordered
hash display. It used to close displayed hash elements when modifying a value
well below the hash :-( .
2010-09-10 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.311
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm (Populate): usability improvement:
copy selected entry text into item when keep is set
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (disp_hash): Synchronize ordered hash display in
tree with respect to the hash editor
2010-09-10 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.310
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm (Populate): Fix bug that messed up
effects of 'add' and 'move_down' buttons.
2010-08-08 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.309
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/AnyViewer.pm (add_help): Fix bug that hid
summary and help text
2010-07-22 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.308
* MANIFEST.SKIP: added libconfig to avoid accidental upload of
Debian test packages
2010-07-19 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.307
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/Wizard.pm (destroy_wizard): correctly
destroy wizard widget when quitting. Also main window is hidden
while wizard is running
2010-07-13 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/ListEditor.pm (move_down): fixed to move
past element nb 2.
2010-06-14 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm (Populate): Following
Krzystof's usability suggestion (http://tyszecki.org/), buttons
are disabled when list selection or entry are empty.
2010-05-31 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr>
* Added annotations viewer and editor for Leaf, List, CheckList, Node,
and Hash. This enable to view and edit comments in configuration files when
the backend support reading and writing comments into Config::Model annotations
2010-03-29 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> 1.306
* Build.PL: Depends on Config::Model 1.001
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/*.pm: Put back VERSION number and bumped
them all to 1.305 to make CPAN indexer happy
2010-03-27 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr> 1.305
* Build.PL: depends on Pod::POM and on Config::Model >= 1.001
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (Populate): bound Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to
copy and paste in configuration tree widget.
(Populate): use Pod::POM to display help from pod documentation
2010-03-22 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/Wizard.pm: Force tree to show item to edit
when displaying the wizard page for the item.
2010-03-16 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (on_cut_buffer_dump): When button-2 is
pressed above a lead, store cut buffer content in the leaf. When
pressed above a hash, creates a new hash key for each line in the
cut buffer.
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/AnyViewer.pm (add_info_frame): display
config parameter location in the tree on the top of all editor and
viewer widgets. This will make the wizard easier to use.
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/NodeEditor.pm (fill_pane): Stored entered
data when widget looses keyboard focus
2010-03-12 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> 1.304
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (disp_hash): Fix bug that messed tk
tree content after deletion of list elements
2010-02-26 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> 1.303
* Build.PL: Depends on Config::Model 0.643
2010-02-18 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashViewer.pm (): Changed min and max calls
to min_index and max_index
2010-01-29 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/AnyViewer.pm (add_help): added some padding
aroung help text. Thanks to Eva Ganglbauer for the usability
advice. (More advices are left to implement :-p )
2010-01-21 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> 1.302
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/NodeViewer.pm (reload): Correctly update
value column when called
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm (Populate): Mark data as
modified when deleting all items of a hash.
2009-09-25 Dominique Dumont <domi.dumont@free.fr>
* examples/model.pl: Simple model and graphical interface
example. Thanks to Alexander Becker. (RT 49999)
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/LeafEditor.pm (try): Avoid warnings
(RT 49999)
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (save): trap write_back error.
2009-09-04 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> 1.301
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/NodeEditor.pm: New widget to edit several
config items in the same widget.
2009-09-03 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/NodeViewer.pm (Populate): Provide more
details (type and if possible value) on node elements.
2009-09-01 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (Populate): Use 'beginner' as default
experience level
2009-08-31 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/Wizard.pm: New file. Provides generic wizard
for configuration edition. This wizard can be run at different
experience (beginner, advanced or master).
2009-06-28 Dominique Dumont <domi@ylum.gre.hp.com> v1.211
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (save): don't pass undefined dir
parameter to avoid breaking write back function. (Fixes save
problem Config::Mode::OpenSsh 1.206)
2009-06-23 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> v1.210
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/LeafViewer.pm (add_info): use
upstream_default() method instead of deprecated built_in().
2009-05-30 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (Populate): added -title option so the
application can set the title of the TkUI window
2009-04-07 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> v1.208
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm (Populate): Improved widget
ergonomy. Added some balloon help.
2009-03-31 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/*.pm (): Added display of summary
2009-03-12 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> v1.207
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/LeafEditor.pm (cleanup): new method (and
Text editor button) to normalize white space in a string. Useful
when filling configuration parameter description from a man page
with cut'n'paste.
2008-12-22 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> v1.204
* *.pm: replaced Tango icons with Crystal icons (LGPL) to comply
with Debian DFSG.
2008-11-20 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm (add_entry): Fixed bug that
prevented to insert a new item in the middle of an ordered hash
2008-11-16 Domi <domi@bilbo.maison>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/ListEditor.pm (remove_selection): fixed bug
that displayed wrong indexes when deleting an element of a list of
2008-10-13 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> v1.203
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/CheckListEditor.pm: added Notebook tab to
provide 2 ways to edit an ordered checklist: change the
content (check or uncheck items) or change the order of the
items. This feature is necessary to correctly edit the Ciphers
list of ssh_config model (See Config::Model::OpenSsh)
* Build.PL: Extract version from Config/Model/TkUI.pm (hence the
bump to v 1.203) so that the pm file versions matches the
.tgz distribution version.
2008-10-01 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/ListEditor.pm (Populate): Better handles
list of enum values
2008-08-01 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (edit_paste): Cut'n'paste improvements
for list elements
2008-07-30 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/ListEditor.pm (swap): No more hiccups when
moving list items past boundaries. Indexes are no longer moved in
the rightmost box when moving node items in a list. It was
confusing to have array indexes in the wrong order.
2008-07-25 Dominique Dumont <dominique.dumont@hp.com> v0.202
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/ListEditor.pm (Populate): can now move up
and down node list items. This is handy when order of nodes is
2008-06-18 Dominique Dumont v0.201
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (Populate): Replaced "placeholder" with logo
(edit_copy): Bug fix that prevented copying hash elements.
2008-05-07 Dominique Dumont v0.105
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (): Added Edit menu with copy and paste
entries. (No, there won't be a 'cut' entry).
2008-05-04 Domi
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/LeafEditor.pm: Fix bug in value help display
2008-04-29 Dominique Dumont
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm (move_selected_to): Fixed move
within ordered hash
2008-04-27 Domi
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/ListEditor.pm (set_all_items): new method to
set a list with a list of words. They can be separated by commas,
white spaces or any non-alphanumeric character (e.g. /\W+/)
2008-04-17 Dominique Dumont
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm: Select and show new items in
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm: Add debug menu (rely on
Tk::ObjScanner). Bug fix related to configuration check
2008-04-08 Dominique Dumont
* TkUI CheckListEditor and Viewer: Reworked for better edition
2008-04-03 Dominique Dumont v0.104
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm: added File->check menu entry
2008-03-28 Dominique Dumont
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/HashEditor.pm ():added up and down buttons
for ordered hashes
* lib/Config/Model/NodeViewer.pm: Fix bug that prevented
view of root configuration class
2008-03-22 Domi <domi@bilbo.maison>
* lib/Config/Model/Tk/ListEditor.pm: Reworked to provide better
list editor. Hash and List editor are now handled by separate
2008-03-20 Dominique Dumont
* lib/Config/Model/TkUI.pm (disp_leaf): cut long string in HList
display (on the left)
2008-03-12 Dominique Dumont v0.103
* t/config-model-ui.t (inc_d): Fixed test to load TkUI instead of
2008-03-07 Dominique Dumont v0.102
* Renamed TkUi.pm to TkUI.pm to fit Module list declaration
* TkUI.pm (Populate): added -store_sub option
* all: Moved to svn
* all: Changed keywords substitution to fit svn