2.014 2014-07-28
* Fixed META informations
2.013 2014-07-28
* Refreshed the module:
* no longer mess with UNIVERSAL::isa
* use Test::More
* skip test when x server is not available
2.012 2007-10-09
* ObjScanner.pm: Added require 5.006
* Makefile.PL: Added require 5.006 to avoid automatic test
failures from tester.cpan.org
2.011 2007-09-20
* ObjScanner.pm (Populate): pseudo hashes are disabled for perl >=
2.010 2004-07-30
* ObjScanner.pm:
Showing tied info can be disabled by option or menu (exclusive or)
Removed unnecessary 'ROOT:' word from top level label
2.009 2004-07-28
* ObjScanner.pm v2.8: Applied patch from MAREKR at cpan.org (See
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=5197) to better handle
pseudo hashes (even though pseudo hashes are still obsolete)
2.008 2004-07-27
* ObjScanner.pm : Applied Slaven Rezic's patch which fixes
image associated to array elements. (See
* t/basic.t (new): works with Tk804.025
2.006 2003-11-19
* ObjScanner.pm: all configuration options can be called with
a hyphen (i.e '-title' instead of 'title')
(scan_object): call pack with hyphenated option (otherwise it
breaks on Solaris with Tk800.025)
2.005 2003-11-14
* ObjScanner.pm: replaced obsolete WeakRef module by
Note that pseudo-hashes are deprecated.
2.004 2003-03-21
* ObjScanner.pm (analyse_element):
- recognize weak references
2.003 2003-02-28
* ObjScanner.pm (scan_object):
- added autonomous scan popup widget
2.001 2003-01-31
* ObjScanner.pm:
External changes:
- added view_pseudo parameter
- can view intern of tied scalar, hash or array by using middle-button
- text window is removed from scanner and is now displayed in popup
- can deparse code ref and display the deparsed code in popup window
Internal changes:
- changed internal data model. This will break classes derived from
- internal methods are re-organized for easier sub-classing
1.022 2001-01-17
* ObjScanner.pm (isPseudoHash): small bug fix
* Makefile.PL: added Tk in PREREQ_PM
1.021 2001-01-12
* Makefile.PL: fixed Makefile.PL
* ObjScanner.pm:
- added pseudo hash viewer
1.019 2000-06-07
* ObjScanner.pm:
1: Use Adjuster so that the user can adjust the relative heights
of the HList window and the dump window.
2: Provide 5 options for setting colors and images
3: Impose the same scrollbar style ('osoe') to HList and ROText.
4: Set -wideselection 0 for HList.
5: add 'open folder' image and display it when item has displayed
1.018 2000-04-17
* ObjScanner.pm:
- fixed a bug related to root display
- added a patch provided by Rudi Farkas to display a watch cursor
when displaying a sub-object
1.017 1999-07-06
* ObjScanner.pm (element): bug fix on string display
* Thanks to Rudi Farkas for contributing test cases with
Math::BigInt and Filehandle
1.016 1999-05-31
* ObjScanner.pm:
- Better support of complex (perl wise) objects
- added 'destroyable' parameters
- updated 'CAVEATS' doc
1.014 1999-04-29
* ObjScanner.pm (element): Support REF and SCALAR, and does not
choke on GLOB ,CODE.
1.013 1999-04-21
* ObjScanner.pm : Complete re-write. It now uses HList instead of
data dumper.
1.11 1999-01-20
* ObjScanner.pm: removed dependance on Tk::Multi, better doc,
don't wrap lines in Text widget.
0.5 1998-08-18
* ObjScanner.pm: simplified and adapted for new Multi::Text
0.4 1998-06-25
* cleanup remaining traces in test.pl
0.3 1998-03-17
* Accepts '-stuff' parameters (instead of 'stuff')
0.2 1998-02-12
* Patch made by Achim Bohnet (Thanks)
o removed AutoLoadeer because
don't use AutoLoader for 3 little function
defs. Every 'use AutoLoader' does search auto/mod/ule/autoload.ix
in at INC. I think that this is much more expensive than having perl
compile the 3 subs (Tom C. mentioned that perl can compile ~10000
o use Data::Dumper only when needed:
startup gain with replace of 'use Data::Dumper'
and use 'require Data::Dumper in sub listScan.
o 2 little POD fixes
o Makefile.PL: Tk::Multi does not exist. Changed to check for Tk::Multi::Text
0.1 1998-02-06
* 0.1 Beta version. Better AutoLoader usage. Fix minor problem
to smooth inheriting Tk::ObjScanner
0 1997-12-01
- bug fix
- better README
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18