package HackaMol::AtomGroupRole; #ABSTRACT: Role for a group of atoms use Moose::Role; use Carp; use Math::Trig; use Math::Vector::Real; use FileHandle; use Scalar::Util 'reftype'; my $angste_debye = 4.80320; has 'atoms' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[HackaMol::Atom]', default => sub { [] }, handles => { push_atoms => 'push', get_atoms => 'get', set_atoms => 'set', delete_atoms => 'delete', all_atoms => 'elements', count_atoms => 'count', clear_atoms => 'clear', }, lazy => 1, ); #sub tmax { # not the best implementation! what about atoms without coords? # comparing first and last? really?! # use coords to calculate tmax,which may be annoying if just interested in charges # my $self = shift; # return (0) unless $self->count_atoms; # my $t0 = $self->get_atoms(0)->count_coords; # my $tn = $self->get_atoms($self->count_atoms - 1)->count_coords; # croak "first and last atoms no tmax" unless($t0 == $tn); # return ($t0-1); #} sub dipole { my $self = shift; return ( V(0) ) unless ( $self->count_atoms ); my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; my @vectors = grep { defined } map { $_->get_coords( $_->t ) } @atoms; my @charges = grep { defined } map { $_->get_charges( $_->t ) } @atoms; my $dipole = V( 0, 0, 0 ); if ( $#vectors != $#charges ) { carp "build_dipole> mismatch number of coords and charges. all defined?"; return $dipole; } $dipole += $vectors[$_] * $charges[$_] foreach 0 .. $#charges; return ($dipole); } sub COM { my $self = shift; return ( V(0) ) unless ( $self->count_atoms ); my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; my @m_vectors = map { $_->mass * $_->get_coords( $_->t ) } @atoms; my $com = V( 0, 0, 0 ); $com += $_ foreach @m_vectors; return ( $com / $self->total_mass ); } sub COZ { my $self = shift; return ( V(0) ) unless ( $self->count_atoms ); my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; my @z_vectors = map { $_->Z * $_->get_coords( $_->t ) } @atoms; my $coz = V( 0, 0, 0 ); $coz += $_ foreach @z_vectors; return ( $coz / $self->total_Z ); } sub gt { #set group time my $self = shift; my $t = shift; $self->do_forall( 't', $t ); } sub do_forall { my $self = shift; my $method = shift; do { carp "doing nothing for all"; return } unless (@_); my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; $_->$method(@_) foreach @atoms; } sub total_charge { my $self = shift; return (0) unless ( $self->count_atoms ); my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; my @charges = map { $_->get_charges( $_->t ) } @atoms; my $sum = 0; $sum += $_ foreach @charges; return ($sum); } sub total_mass { my $self = shift; return (0) unless ( $self->count_atoms ); my @masses = map { $_->mass } $self->all_atoms; my $sum = 0; $sum += $_ foreach @masses; return ($sum); } sub total_Z { my $self = shift; return (0) unless ( $self->count_atoms ); my @Zs = map { $_->Z } $self->all_atoms; my $sum = 0; $sum += $_ foreach @Zs; return ($sum); } sub dipole_moment { my $self = shift; return ( abs( $self->dipole ) * $angste_debye ); } sub bin_atoms { my $self = shift; my $bin_hr = {}; my $z_hr = {}; return ( $bin_hr, $z_hr ) unless $self->count_atoms; foreach my $atom ( $self->all_atoms ) { $bin_hr->{ $atom->symbol }++; $z_hr->{ $atom->symbol } = $atom->Z; } return ( $bin_hr, $z_hr ); } sub count_unique_atoms { my $self = shift; my ( $bin_hr, $z_hr ) = $self->bin_atoms; return ( scalar( keys %{$bin_hr} ) ); } sub bin_atoms_name { # return something like C4H10 sort in order of descending Z my $self = shift; my ( $bin_hr, $z_hr ) = $self->bin_atoms; my @names = map { my $name = $_ . $bin_hr->{$_}; $name =~ s/(\w+)1$/$1/; $name; # substitue 1 away? } sort { $z_hr->{$b} <=> $z_hr->{$a} # sort by Z! see above... } keys %{$bin_hr}; return join( '', @names ); } sub translate { my $self = shift; my $tvec = shift or croak "pass MVR translation vector"; my $tf = shift; my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; do{carp "no atoms to translate"; return} unless (@atoms); $tf = $atoms[0]->t unless ( defined($tf) ); foreach my $at (@atoms) { my $v = $at->xyz + $tvec; $at->set_coords( $tf, $v ); } } sub rotate { #rotate about origin. having origin allows rotation of subgroup #without having to translate everything. my $self = shift; my $rvec = shift or croak "pass MVR rotation vector"; my $ang = shift or croak "pass rotation angle"; my $orig = shift or croak "pass MVR origin"; my $tf = shift; my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; my $t = $atoms[0]->t; $tf = $t unless ( defined($tf) ); $rvec = $rvec->versor; #unit vector my @cor = map { $_->get_coords($t) - $orig } @atoms; my @rcor = $rvec->rotate_3d( deg2rad($ang), @cor ); $atoms[$_]->set_coords( $tf, $rcor[$_] + $orig ) foreach 0 .. $#rcor; } sub print_xyz_ts { _print_ts('print_xyz',@_); } sub print_pdb_ts { _print_ts('print_pdb',@_); } sub _print_ts { #use one sub for xyz_ts and pdb_ts writing my $print_method = shift; # two args: \@ts, optional filename my $self = shift; my $ts = shift; unless(defined($ts)) { croak "must pass arrayref containing ts"; } my @ts = @$ts; unless(scalar(@ts)) { croak "must pass array with atleast one t"; } my $tmax = $self->tmax; my $nt = grep {$_ > $tmax} @ts; croak "$nt ts out of bounds" if $nt; my $tnow = $self->what_time; # take the first out of the loop to setup fh $self->gt(shift @ts); my $fh = $self->$print_method(@_); foreach my $t (@ts){ $self->gt($t); $fh = $self->$print_method($fh); } # return to original t $self->gt($tnow); } sub bin_this{ #return binned $_->method, what if can't be binned. bah. my $self = shift; my $method = shift; my @ts = map{$_->$method} $self->all_atoms; my %bin; $bin{$_}++ foreach @ts; return (\%bin); } sub tmax { # still not the best implementation! what about atoms without coords? my $self = shift; my $tbin = $self->bin_this('count_coords'); my @ts = keys(%$tbin); croak "tmax differences within group" if (scalar(@ts)> 1); $ts[0] ? return $ts[0]-1 : return 0; } sub what_time { my $self = shift; my $tbin = $self->bin_this('t'); my @ts = keys(%$tbin); croak "t differences within group" if (scalar(@ts)> 1); return $ts[0]; } sub print_xyz { my $self = shift; my $fh = _open_file_unless_fh(shift); my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; print $fh $self->count_atoms . "\n\n"; foreach my $at (@atoms) { printf $fh ( "%3s %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n", $at->symbol, @{ $at->get_coords( $at->t ) } ); } return ($fh); # returns filehandle for future writing } sub print_pdb { my $self = shift; my $fh = _open_file_unless_fh(shift); my @atoms = $self->all_atoms; printf $fh ("MODEL %2i\n",$atoms[0]->t+1); foreach my $at (@atoms) { printf $fh ( #"%-6s%5i %-3s%1s%3s%2s%4i%1s%11.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f%12s\n", # 12 21 "%-6s%5i %-4s%1s%3s %1s%4i%1s %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f %4s%2s\n", ( map{$at->$_} qw ( record_name serial name altloc resname chain resid icode ) ), @{ $at->get_coords( $at->t ) }, $at->occ, $at->bfact, $at->segid,$at->symbol,# $at->charge ); } print $fh "ENDMDL\n"; return ($fh); # returns filehandle for future writing } sub _open_file_unless_fh { my $file = shift; # could be file or filehandle my $fh = \*STDOUT; # default to standard out # if argument is passed, check if filehandle if ( defined($file) ) { if ( ref($file) and reftype($file) eq "GLOB" ) { $fh = $file; } else { carp "overwrite $file" if ( -e $file ); $fh = FileHandle->new(">$file"); } } return ($fh); } no Moose::Role; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME HackaMol::AtomGroupRole - Role for a group of atoms =head1 VERSION version 0.00_18 =head1 SYNOPSIS use HackaMol::AtomGroup; use HackaMol::Atom; my $atom1 = HackaMol::Atom->new( name => 'O1', coords => [ V( 2.05274, 0.01959, -0.07701 ) ], Z => 8, ); my $atom2 = HackaMol::Atom->new( name => 'H1', coords => [ V( 1.08388, 0.02164, -0.12303 ) ], Z => 1, ); my $atom3 = HackaMol::Atom->new( name => 'H2', coords => [ V( 2.33092, 0.06098, -1.00332 ) ], Z => 1, ); $atom1->push_charges(-0.834); $_->push_charges(0.417) foreach ($atom1, $atom2); # instance of class that consumes the AtomGroupRole my $group = HackaMol::AtomGroup->new(atoms=> [$atom1,$atom2,$atom3]); print $group->count_atoms . "\n"; #3 print $group->total_charge . "\n"; # 0 print $group->total_mass . "\n"; my @atoms = $group->all_atoms; print $group->dipole_moment . "\n"; $group->do_forall('push_charges',0); $group->do_forall('push_coords',$group->COM); $group->gt(1); # same as $group->do_forall('t',1); print $group->dipole_moment . "\n"; print $group->bin_atoms_name . "\n"; print $group->unique_atoms . "\n"; $group->translate(V(10,0,0)); $group->rotate( V(1,0,0), 180, V(0,0,0)); $group->print_xyz ; #STDOUT my $fh = $group->print_xyz(""); #returns filehandle $group->print_xyz($fh) foreach (1 .. 9); # boring VMD movie with 10 frames =head1 DESCRIPTION The HackaMol AtomGroupRole class provides core methods and attributes for consuming classes that use groups of atoms. The original implementation of this role relied heavily on attributes, builders, and clearers. Such an approach naturally gives fast lookup tables, but the ability to change atoms and coordinates made the role to difficult. Such an approach may be pursued again (without changing the API) in the future after the API has matured. The AtomGroupRole calculates all values for atoms using their own t attributes. =head1 METHODS =head2 do_for_all pass method and arguments down to atoms in group $group->do_for_all('t',1); #sets t to 1 for all atoms =head2 gt integer argument. wraps do_for_all for setting time within group $group->gt(1); =head2 dipole no arguments. return dipole calculated from charges and coordinates as Math::Vector::Real object =head2 COM no arguments. return center of mass calculated from masses and coordinates as Math::Vector::Real object =head2 COM no arguments. return center of nuclear charge calculated from Zs and coordinates as Math::Vector::Real object =head2 total_charge no arguments. return sum of atom charges. =head2 total_mass no arguments. return sum of atom masses. =head2 total_Z no arguments. return sum of Zs. =head2 dipole_moment no arguments. returns the norm of the dipole in debye (assuming charges in electrons, AKMA) =head2 bin_atoms no arguments. returns two hash references. The histogram of atom symbols, and a map from symbol-> Z for the same keys. The second hash reference was added, to be able to sort by Z in the absence of Atom objects. =head2 count_unique_atoms no arguments. returns the number of keys in each hash returned by bin_atoms =head2 bin_atoms_name no arguments. returns a string summary of the atoms in the group. Take the bin_atoms hashes, sorts by Z and generates something like OH2 for water or O2H2 for peroxide. =head2 tmax return (count_coords-1) if > 0; return 0 otherwise; croaks if not all atoms share the same tmax. =head2 translate requires L<Math::Vector::Real> vector argument. Optional argument: integer tf. Translates all atoms in group by the MVR vector. Pass tf to the translate method to store new coordinates in tf rather than atom->t. =head2 rotate requires Math::Vector::Real vector, an angle (in degrees), and a MVR vector origin as arguments. Optional argument: integer tf. Rotates all atoms in the group around the MVR vector. Pass tf to the translate method to store new coordinates in tf rather than atom->t. =head2 print_xyz optional argument: filename or filehandle. with no argument, prints xyz formatted output to STDOUT. pass a filename and an xyz file with that name will be written or overwritten (with warning). pass filehandle for continuous writing to an open filehandle. =head2 print_xyz_ts argument: array_ref containing the values of t to be used for printing. optional argument: filename or filehandle for writing out to file. For example, $mol->print_xyz_ts([0 .. 3, 8, 4], ''); will write the coordinates for all group atoms at t=0,1,2,3,8,4 to a file, in that order. =head2 print_pdb same as print_xyz, but for pdb formatted output =head2 print_pdb_ts same as print_xyz_ts, but for pdb formatted output =head2 bin_this argument: Str , return hash_ref of binned $self->Str. $hash_ref{$_}++ foreach ( map {$_->$Str} $self->all_atoms ); =head1 ARRAY METHODS =head2 push_atoms, get_atoms, set_atoms, all_atoms, count_atoms, clear_atoms ARRAY traits for the atoms attribute, respectively: push, get, set, elements, count, clear =head2 push_atoms push atom on to atoms array $group->push_atoms($atom1, $atom2, @otheratoms); =head2 all_atoms returns array of all elements in atoms array print $_->symbol, "\n" foreach $group->all_atoms; =head2 get_atoms return element by index from atoms array print $group->get_atoms(1); # returns $atom2 from above =head2 set_atoms set atoms array by index $group->set_atoms(1, $atom1); =head2 count_atoms return number of atoms in group print $group->count_atoms; =head2 clear_atoms clears atoms array =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 atoms isa ArrayRef[Atom] that is lazy with public ARRAY traits described in ARRAY_METHODS =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L<HackaMol::AtomGroup> =item * L<HackaMol::Bond> =item * L<HackaMol::Angle> =item * L<HackaMol::Dihedral> =back =head1 AUTHOR Demian Riccardi <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Demian Riccardi. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut