Revision history for HackaMol-X-Calculator

0.01      2015-04-12 08:32:10-04:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis
    * better examples and documentation

0.00_6    2014-05-02 21:01:07EDT-0400 America/New_York
    * update pod. dependencies

0.00_5    2014-04-30 15:28:58EDT-0400 America/New_York
    * Factored out large part into HackaMol::X::Extension for reuse
    * Consumes HackaMol::X::Extension
    * build_command is now required by HackaMol::X::ExtensionRole

0.00_4    2014-04-30 09:22:05EDT-0400 America/New_York
    * several new examples showing separation of input, running, output phases
    * added examples for processing gaussian output from simple to not so simple

0.00_3    2014-04-28 10:37:57EDT-0400 America/New_York
    * improved tests, adjusted synopsis

0.00_2    2014-04-27 22:49:01EDT-0400 America/New_York
    * added examples, improved tests.  

0.00_01   2013-09-18 23:46:53 America/New_York
    * First Devel release