Revision history for Pg-Explain
0.96 2020/03/23
- Performance optimizations
- Fix handling of certains misaligned plans
- Fix heuristics to detect JSON plans
- Fix some errors in parsing plans
0.95 2020/03/16
- Add parsing/anonymization of Tid Scans,
per gripe from Chris West.
0.94 2020/03/16
- Add initial handling of plans with hard line wraps.
0.93 2020/02/26
- Add handling for MixedAggregate to json/yaml formats.
Per gripe from RhodiumToad.
0.92 2020/02/18
- Recognize various Aggregate nodes from non-text explains.
Per bug report from RhodiumToad.
0.91 2020/01/07
- Make all times be wall-clock times. That is - take into account
number of parallel workers
- Re-add version to all libs, to make cpan happy
0.90 2019/11/12
- Fix display of heap fetches from json (
- Move global data (planning/execution/total time, trigger info) from top_node to explain object itself
- Add method to easily get real total, wall-clock, runtime of query.
- Add Pg::Explain::Analyzer, so far it can extract node types and their "paths"
- Add scripts to run perltidy, start development tmux env, and explain schema dumper
- Fix handling of parallel queries (hopefully)
- Remove edge-case deep recursion error
- Speed optimization for large explains
0.81 2019/08/26
# Remove trailing whitespace - it makes next line matches MUCH faster.
$line =~ s/\s*\z//;
- Handle properly single-line JSON plans
per report from William Meitzen
- Fix MANIFEST file, so it passes tests
- Fix message on missing Test::PerlTidy module
- Fix code formatting (perltidy)
0.80 2019/06/18
- Allow parsing of plans with COSTS disabled.
per gripe from Marc
- Properly parse WorkTable Scans
per gripe from Ivan Vergiliev
0.79 2019/06/12
- Added parsing of "Planning time", "Execution time", and "Trigger
0.78 2019/03/29
- Fix parsing of json explain, when there is no trailing new line
Bug reported by Grenville Wilson.
0.77 2018/08/09
- Add missing information to data when parsing json/yaml plans
Code provided by Filip RembiaĆkowski
0.76 2018/02/05
- Recognize properly parallel index scans and their table/index info
Problem reported by Matthijs van der Vleuten
0.75 2017/11/29
- Change inclusive time calculation for parallel nodes to calculate
wall clock time, and not total time used.
Problem reported by Bricklen Anderson.
0.74 2017/06/20
- Fix extracting subquery name (problem reported by Jackson Popkin)
- Switch from using Digest::SHA1 to Digest::SHA
0.73 2016/02/08
- Add anonymization of grouping keys
0.72 2015/10/13
- Add anonymization of subquery scan names
0.71 2014/06/04
- Fix missing dependency, no functional changes
0.70 2014/06/03
- Allow parsing of plans without timing information, per request from Karl Bartel
0.69 2014/06/08
- Anonymize CTE names, per gripe from Brian Dunavant
0.68 2013/10/01
- Fix extracting of table/index info from "Index Only Scan" nodes from
YAML/XML/JSON explains.
Bug reported by David Wheeler (justatheory)
0.67 2013/05/24
- Fix anonymization of Index Only Scans
- Fix perlcritic tests
0.66 2013/03/30
- Fix anonymization of One-time filter: lines.
0.65 2012/11/08
- Fix anonymization of tables in explains of modifying queries (insert/update/delete)
- Fix anonymization of function names in function scans
0.64 2012/08/22
- Fix handling of really large number of estimated rows (over 2^53)
0.63 2012/07/08
- Anonymize names of files used by foreign tables
- Anonymize names of foreign tables
- Anonymize names of columns when dealing with EXPLAIN ANALYZE VERBOSE output with "Output: a, b, c" lines
0.62 2012/01/31
- Stop anonymize from changing typecasts to standard pg types
0.61 2011/06/20
- Add handling of plans with trailing " character, but without leading " character.
0.60 2011/06/11
- Added anonymization of plans.
- Make it possible to generate textual plan from parsed one
0.54 2011/05/31
- Make the parsing run fast in Mojolicious environment
- Fix MANIFEST.SKIP to include .git
0.53 2011/05/19
- Allow explain lines to be inside ' characters (some client does that, not sure which)
- Add missing "use Carp;"
0.52 2011/04/30
- Fix for handling windows-style end-of-line markers in pgAdmin output.
Bug reported by Dave Jarvis.
0.51 2011/03/26
- Fix calculation of exclusive time of nodes with CTE
0.50 2011/03/26
- Add support for CTE in plans
- Add ability to parse XML plans
- Add ability to parse JSON plans
- Add ability to parse YAML plans
- Add filter to make it possible to parse explains from pgAdmin3
0.20 2011/03/19
- Remove usage of Moose. It's faster, and will not cause unrelated test failures in CPAN reports.
0.11 2010/12/16 23:34
- Improve calculation of exclusive times, plus minor fixes [patch by].
0.10 2010-03-17 14:15:59
- Add handling for new "SubPlan" lines, which contain numeric ID of scan.
0.09 2009-05-27 13:15
- Fix exclusive time calculations
- Make PE::Node understand Bitmap scans (heap and index)
- Add proper handling of nodes that were "never executed"
- Add ->is_analyzed method to PE::Node to make it easy to distinguish between EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE nodes
0.08 2008-11-24 21:11
- Add missing documentation
0.07 2008-11-18 11:42
- Added missing dependancy - responsible for most of fails in cpan tests
- Changed the way to detect error thrown by autodie when opening file fails
- Renamed test plans to make them sort nicely
- New functionality: PE::Node->total_inclusive_time
- New functionality: PE::Node->total_exclusive_time
- New tests
0.06 2008-11-15 21:27
Name changed to Pg::Explain after conversation on IRC. Main points:
- Pg is shorter
- Pg already exists
- Pg is used already by PostgreSQL related modules
0.05 2008-11-11 17:01
Add handling of init and subplans. Added more test. Refactorig of parsing method. Basic functionality done.
0.04 2008-10-27 00:40
Add handling of subnodes. Add extraction of scan info for "Index Scan Backward" nodes.
0.03 2008-10-26 21:25
Make it parse index scans, handle basic extra-info, remove dependency on YAML, and make tests using Test::Deep.
0.02 2008-10-19 20:07
More tests, and changes to make it more Moose-way
0.01 2008-10-19 15:56
First version, Not much of functionality now, but builds, and passes simple test.