Revision history for Perl extension Net::Domain::ExpireDate.

0.15 2003-Jul-16
	- not exporting decode_date by default

0.14 2003-May-14
	- more fixes regarding new Net::Whois::Raw
	  (they have changed the interface!)

0.13 2003-May-11
	- more fixes regarding new Net::Whois::Raw

0.12 2003-May-11
	- adopted to new version Net::Whois::Raw
	  (explicitly importing $OMIT_MSG $CHECK_FAIL)

0.11 2003-Apr-24
	- fixed parsing of data from (for .RU domains)

0.10 2003-Mar-07
	- fixed parsing of data from (for .RU domains)

0.09 2003-Mar-05
	- fixed decode_date(), now exporting decode_date

0.07 2003-Feb-17
	- fixed parsing of whois results of

0.06 2003-Feb-14
	- documendation update: added functions reference

0.04 2003-Feb-10
	- fixed parsing of whois results of

0.03 2003-Jan-13
	- fixed parsing of whois results of

0.01 2002-Oct-02 
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21