0.0602 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2009-01-05


* Build for MSWin32 and Perl 5.8.

0.0601 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2009-01-03


* Build for MSWin32.

0.06 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2009-01-01


* Attribute "file" replaced attribute "fd" and "filename".  Attribute "fd"
  doesn't support string values.
* Method "fileno" does not return undef if file handler is closed.
* Methods "error" and "clearerr" do not return undef if file handler is
* Attribute "tainted" replaced "untaint".  Method "taint" is removed.
* Static method "slurp" takes hash as argument.

See Incompatibilities file for more details.


* IO::Moose:
  * Class::MOP::load_class is used instead eval "require ...".

* IO::Moose::Handle:
  * IO::Moose::Handle is a IO::Handle also.
  * Types are moved to MooseX::Types::* packages.
  * Static method "slurp" takes hash as argument.
  * Methods "read", "write", "sysread" and "syswrite" returns number of
    processed bytes and do not throw an exception if zero bytes was processed.
  * Attribute "file" replaced attribute "fd".
  * Attribute "tainted" replaced attribute "untaint".
  * New attibute "blocking".
  * Method "taint" is removed.
  * Method "untaint" uses IO::Handle::untaint.
  * Method "fdopen" cannot be called as static method.
  * Method "fileno" throws an exception if handle is closed.
  * Methods "error" and "clearerr" returns false value if handle is closed.
  * Methods "sync" and "blocking" call IO::Handle.
  * Additional arguments for "slurp" static method are passed to constructor.
  * Attributes "_error" and "_ungetc_buffer" are prefixed with underscore.
  * Attributes "format_line_break_characters" and "format_formfeed" can be set
    per file handle.
  * Types "ModeStr" and "CanonModeStr" are renamed to "OpenModeStr" and

* IO::Moose::Seekable:
  * Methods "sysseek" and "tell" returns simple numeric "0".

* IO::Moose::File:
  * Constructor "new_tmpfile" takes arguments for File::Temp->new.
  * Types are moved to MooseX::Types::* packages.
  * Types "LayerStr" and "LayerModeStr" are renamed to "PerlIOLayerStr" and

* Requires Exception::Assertion, Exception::Fatal, constant::boolean and
* Build requires parent.

0.05 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-05-29


* New method IO::Moose::Handle->read.
* IO::Moose::File->slurp accepts additional arguments.
* Provides Exception::Unimplemented exception class.


* Adapted to new Exception::Base 0.16 and Exception::Died.
* Exception::Fatal is an Exception::Died.
* Requires Exception::Base >= 0.16, Exception::System >= 0.09,
  Exception::Died >= 0.02.
* Build requires Exception::Warning.
* Conflicts Fatal::Exception < 0.03.

0.0401 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-04-20


* Removed indirect notation from POD and code.
* Requires Exception::Base >= 0.15.

0.04 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-04-15


* New module IO::Moose::File.
* IO::Moose::Seekable SEEK tied function.


* Requires MooseX::GlobRef::Object >= 0.0203, Exception::Base >= 0.14.
* More methods returns self object.


* Correct POD for IO::Moose::Seekable and IO::Moose::Handle.

0.03 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-04-08

* New module IO::Moose and IO::Moose::Seekable.
* IO::Moose::Handle::Tie moved into IO::Moose::Handle.

0.02 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-03-15

* Renamed distribution to IO-Moose and existing module to IO::Moose::Handle.

0.0101 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-03-04

* Missing dependencies: File::Stat::Moose.

0.01 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-03-03

* Development release.
