0.5101 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-12-05
* Used "/" as separator even on non-Unix platform because we need to be
compatible with %INC variable.
* t/pod*.t: Test POD coverage.
0.51 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-11-18
New features:
* Module names can contain the asterix '*' char at the end of string.
use all 'MyApp::Plugins::*';
* t/*.t: Use internal test modules instead IO::* and Socket::*.
0.5001 | Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org> | 2008-11-15
* Compiles with Perl 5.8 and Perl 5.10. Fixes: Bug#40099.
* t/*.t: no_plan takes no argument.
* Used core File::Find instead File::Find::Rule.
* Cleaned up Build.PL script.