Revision history for Net-CouchDb

0.04 - No longer maintained

   Fix a few simple bugs anyway, but I no longer use this. Let me know if you'd
   like maint., but really I'd recommend you use CouchDB::Client instead.

   (I hate -- I didn't get an email about these bugs.)

   - RT #49761: Missing dependency on Data::Dump
   - RT #44804: POSTing a Document without setting an id fails (maybe same
     issue as RT #44805, not sure)
   - RT #46647: dies when call() is called in list context

0.03 - ?? May 2008

   Clean up API in places, to make it less verbose.

   Add support for accessing attachments

   Add support for bulk_docs.

0.02 - 3 May 2008

   Following changes by Ask Bjoern Hansen:

   Make $db->get() return a N::C::Document object

   Change default URI to http://localhost:5984/

   Add server_info method

   Add debug and log methods

   Add database_info method

   Use JSON 2 instead of JSON::Any

   Fix PUT bug

   Use the standard couchdb port in the tests

   Documentation tweaks

0.01 - 5 September 2007

   First version, released on an unsuspecting world.