Revision history for DBIx-VersionedDDL

0.01    20 October 2009
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02    20 October 2009
        Fixed documentation typos.
0.03    20 October 2009
        Yikes. More typo fixes.
0.04    21 October 2009
        Build assumed existence of data directory, which is not part of distro.
        This is now created and removed as part of the tests.
0.05    23 October 2009
        Documentation update
0.06    17 March 2010
        RT #55550, fix coment parsing (succssive lines having -- comments)
          Reported by by Alan Snelson
        Added # and C-style comments.
0.07    * Determine the Oracle Schema by retrieving ANSI Constant SQL_USER_NAME.
        * Add user-defined statement separator.
        * If no version is provided, the schema will be upgraded to the latest
          version in the ddl directory
0.08    The check regarding whether a table exists now handles db handle
        FetchHashKeyName = NAME_lc
0.09    Returns 1 if the schema is already at the requested version
0.10    Driver name now in lower case