# Revision history for WWW-Wikipedia-TemplateFiller
version: 0.04
date: 2008-11-15
- (bug #40960) update test suite to work if NCBI error 803 appears
while pmc_ids are being fetched
- require WWW::Search::PubMedLite version 0.05 for better error
handling in case pmc_id cannot be fetched
- better ISBNdb access key support
version: 0.03
date: 2008-11-09
- fix tests to be compatible with latest version of WWW::Search::PubMedLite
version: 0.02
date: 2008-11-09
- add description to README and TemplateFiller.pm
- bugfix: if title cannot be found for URL, the URL's host is used instead
version: 0.01
date: 2008-05-18
- initial revision