=head1 NAME

Inline::SLang - Write Perl subroutines in S-Lang.


  use Inline SLang;

  print "9 + 16 = ", add(9,16), "\n";
  print "9 - 16 = ", subtract(9,16), "\n";
  print JAxH('Inline'), "\n";


  define add      (a,b) { return a + b; }
  define subtract (a,b) { return a - b; }
  define JAxH () {
    variable type = ();
    return sprintf( "Just Another %S Hacker!", type );


 # Version 0.20 adds support for the Perl Data Language.
 # However the way this is implemented *AND* some details of
 # how PDL is supported (mainly the support for non 1D arrays/piddles)
 # is not finalised.
 # This support does not work on Linux and OS-X machines so it
 # has been turned off by default in version 0.21

The C<Inline::SLang> module lets you write Perl subroutines in S-Lang.
It dynamically translates the parameters and return values into 
native data types for both languages (or into Perl classes that are 
used to represent
S-Lang types with no direct translation to Perl).
This allows you to write a Perl script and take advantage of S-Lang
whenever you wish: perhaps there is a S-Lang I<module> that you
wish to use, or you want to take advantage of a S-Lang function
that you have written.

The module sets up an in-process
S-Lang interpreter, runs your code, and then examines the
interpreter's symbol table, looking for things to bind to Perl.
The process of interrogating the S-Lang interpreter only occurs the
first time you run your S-Lang code. The namespaces are cached, and
subsequent calls use the cached version (which is hidden in the
F<_Inline> directory; see the L<Inline documentation|Inline> for details of
how the code is cached). Of course, your S-Lang code
must still be run every time your run the Perl script -- but
Inline::S-Lang already knows the results of running it.

=head1 What is S-Lang?

From the S-Lang library home page at L<http://www.s-lang.org/>

S-Lang is a multi-platform programmer's library designed to allow a
developer to create robust multi-platform software. It provides
facilities required by interactive applications such as display/screen
management, keyboard input, keymaps, and so on. The most exciting
feature of the library is the slang interpreter that may be easily
embedded into a program to make it extensible. 

For our purposes it is the S-Lang interpreter that we are interested
in. See the L<Term::Slang|Term::Slang> module (on CPAN) if you
want an interface to the terminal library provided by S-Lang.

=head1 Using the Inline::SLang Module

Using Inline::SLang will seem very similar to using any other Inline
language, thanks to Inline's consistent look and feel.

This section will explain the different ways to use Inline::SLang.
Further details on configuring the behaviour of C<Inline::SLang>
can be found in L<Inline::SLang::Config>.
For more details on C<Inline>, see L<Inline> or
C<perldoc Inline>.

=head2 S-Lang Functions

Using functions defined in S-Lang is just like using Perl subroutines.
You just supply the source code to Inline::SLang - see the
L<Inline manual|Inline> for the various ways of doing this -
and then use them in your Perl code. For example:

   # set up a S-Lang function
   use Inline SLang => <<'END';
   define doit() { vmessage("Printing from S-Lang"); }

   # now call the S-Lang function from Perl

By default all S-Lang functions - other than S-Lang intrinsic
functions (the functions defined by the S-Lang interpreter,
such as C<array_map()> and C<assoc_get_keys()>) - in the 
default namespace ("Global") are bound to Perl. The
Perl functions are available in the C<main> package.

The C<BIND_NS> configuration option can be used to
change the list of S-Lang namespaces bound to Perl.
If you have need of an intrinsic S-Lang function then
you can either write a wrapper routine or use the
See L<Inline::SLang::Config> for more details.

Note that there are no checks that a S-Lang symbol,
when mapped to Perl, does not clobber an existing value
(or is a Perl built-in function so can not be over-ridden).
So I<beware> when you define a S-Lang function called 

=head3 But all I want to do is use a S-Lang module?

If you have a S-Lang module that you want to use directly
from Perl, it's as easy as the following (assuming the
module is importable and called C<funkymodule>):

  use Inline 'SLang' => 'import("funkymodule");';

and then you can start using the functions defined
by the module. You use a similar technique if you have
a file containing S-Lang code that needs to be
loaded via C<evalfile>.

=head2 S-Lang Variables

We currently do not bind any S-Lang variables to Perl.
To access variables you have to write S-Lang routines
that read/write the variable, as shown by the
C<foo()> and C<bar()> routines below:

  variable foobar = "a string";
  define foo()  { return foobar; }
  define bar(x) { foobar = x; }

It I<should> be possible to also bind variables, but this
is not a high priority (and may never be).

=head2 Supported Data Types

Inline::S-Lang attempts to seamlessly convert between 
Perl and S-Lang data types. 
For "simple" types - for example strings -
where there is a direct match between S-Lang and Perl, the
conversion is not noticeable. For more complicated
types - such as complex numbers - S-Lang variables are
converted to Perl objects.
Where possible a I<perl-like> interface is retained.
See L<Inline::SLang::Types>
for more information on how the various data types are

The module currently B<requires> that yor S-Lang library has been compiled
with support for both floating-point and complex numbers.

=head2 Perl routines

The module provides several utility functions which are 
discussed below. By default they are only available
using fully-qualified names - e.g. C<Inline::SLang::sl_eval()> -
although the C<EXPORT> 
L<configuration option|Inline::SLang::Config/EXPORT>
can be used to change this.

=head3 Inline::SLang::sl_array2perl

=head4 Usage:

  $val = Inline::SLang::sl_array2perl();
  $val = Inline::SLang::sl_array2perl( $newval );

Sets/Gets the current status of the "how do we convert
a S-Lang array into Perl" flag. Returns the status.

We list the possible values of the flag below.
For further details on array support in C<Inline::SLang>
see L<Inline::SLang::Array>.

=head4 With no PDL support

If PDL support was not compiled in to the module then
the flag can either be 0 or 1, where

=over 3

=item Value = B<0>

All arrays are converted to a Perl array reference.

=item Value = B<1>

All arrays are converted to a Perl C<Array_Type> object


=head4 With PDL support

If PDL support is available
then there are four options:

=over 3

=item Value = B<0>

All arrays are converted to a Perl array reference.

=item Value = B<1>

All arrays are converted to a Perl C<Array_Type> object

=item Value = B<2>

Numeric arrays are converted to piddles and
non-numeric arrays are converted to a Perl array reference.

=item Value = B<3>

Numeric arrays are converted to piddles and
non-numeric arrays are converted to a Perl C<Array_Type> object.


=head3 Inline::SLang::sl_array

=head4 Usage:

  $sl = Inline::SLang::sl_array( $aref );
  $sl = Inline::SLang::sl_array( $aref, $adims );
  $sl = Inline::SLang::sl_array( $aref, $atype );
  $sl = Inline::SLang::sl_array( $aref, $adims, $atype );

This is a wrapper around the C<Array_Type> constructor
and is intended to make it easy to ensure that a Perl array
reference is converted into a S-Lang array of the correct
type, dimensionality, and size.

The data is stored in C<$aref>, a Perl array reference. If
no other parameters are supplied then the array dimensions,
size, and type are I<guessed> from C<$aref>. Since Perl has such a 
flexible type system the routine can sometimes make a surprising
choice for the data type of the array, so it may well be worth
supplying the array type as C<$atype> - which can be either
a string containing the name of the S-Lang datatype, such as
C<"Int_Type">, or a C<DataType_Type> object.

If you know the array dimensions then it's probably faster
to supply them as the C<$adims> argument, which should
be an array reference.

Note that there is limited error checking in this routine:
if C<$aref> is a 2x3 array but you send in C<$adims> as
C<[3,2]> - or C<[24]> say - then expect
I<weird behaviour> (at the very least). 

=head4 Example:

  use Inline 'SLang' => Config => EXPORT => [ "sl_array" ];
  use Inline 'SLang';
  some_slang_func( sl_array([[1.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0]],"Double_Type") );

For numeric types I expect most people to use piddles.
This routine is more useful for arrays of
non-numeric data types.

=head3 Inline::SLang::sl_eval

=head4 Usage

  [ retval(s) = ] Inline::SLang::sl_eval( $str );

This function evaluates the supplied S-Lang code (in C<$str>)
and converts any return values to Perl.
In general this will not be needed,
since you can always call S-Lang's C<eval()> function
via a wrapper function (or by binding it to a different
function name in Perl).

=head4 Example:

  my $foo = Inline::SLang::sl_eval("23+4");
  print "S-Lang thinks 23+4 is $foo\n";

A more flexible solution is to write a S-lang wrapper around
the S-Lang C<eval()> function (perhaps this functionality should be moved
into C<sl_eval>?):

  % Call as myeval( "slang code" [, var1, var2, ... ] );
  % where varX are variables that placed onto the S-Lang
  % stack before calling the S-Lang code
  define myeval() {
    % pop off the slang code from the stack, leave the rest there
    variable slcode;
    if ( _NARGS > 1 ) {
      slcode = ();
      slcode = ();
    eval( slcode );

=head3 Inline::SLang::sl_have_pdl

=head4 Usage:

  $flag = Inline::SLang::sl_have_pdl();

Returns C<1> if the module was compiled with support
for L<PDL|PDL::Intro>, and C<0> otherwise.

=head3 Inline::SLang::sl_typeof

=head4 Usage:

  $type = Inline::SLang::sl_typeof( $var );

Returns the S-Lang type of the data stored in the Perl
variable C<$var>. This should be more efficient than
using S-Lang's C<typeof()> command since it does not
require the conversion of the whole variable to S-Lang
(normally not a big issue but it can be if C<$var> contains
a large array or a complicated structure).

The return value is an object of the C<DataType_Type>
class; see L<PDL::Types|PDL::Types> for more information
on how S-Lang variables are represented in Perl.

=head4 Example:

  my $foo = some_slang_function();
  my $type = Inline::SLang::sl_typeof($foo);
  print "The function returned a $type variable\n";

Note that all objects used to represent S-Lang data types
- other than C<Math::Complex> objects - have a C<typeof()>
method which can be used to find the type of the object.

=head3 Inline::SLang::sl_version

=head4 Usage:

  $ver = Inline::SLang::sl_version();

Returns, as a string, the version of S-Lang
against which the module was compiled, with a format
of "a.b.c". You can use C<sl_eval("_slang_version_string")>
to find out what version of the library
you are using.

=head2 What happens when there is a S-Lang error?

The module will refuse to build if there is an error in the S-Lang
code compiled when your program is first run. If an error occurs
in the S-Lang interpreter - such as calling a function that expects
an argument with none - then the S-Lang error is transformed into
a Perl error (as a call to C<croak>) and the S-Lang interpreter
is restarted.
This means that these
errors can be handled by using Perl's C<eval> statement.

=head1 CHANGES

=over 2

=item v0.23 Wed Apr  7 21:32:07 EDT 2004

This is a bug-fix for C<make test> in version 0.22, which failed on
systems which did not already have C<Inline::SLang> installed.

=item v0.22 Wed Apr  7 16:29:05 EDT 2004

The build process has been changed to use L<Inline::C> to embed
C code within F<Makefile.PL>, rather than having it in a separate
file which we have to compile ourselves. This should hopefully make
the build process a bit more portable.

=item v0.21 Mon Apr  5 15:15:51 EDT 2004

This release will now build on OS-X machines. The support for
PDL has been turned off by default - even if PDL is installed on
your system - since it does not work on Linux and OS-X machines.

The main changes are behind the scenes, and involve splitting the
code up and making a tad more modular.

=item v0.20 Wed May 21 00:37:07 EDT 2003

This release begins support for the
L<Perl Data Language|PDL::Intro> in C<Inline::SLang>.
Please note that it is a work-in-progress.

=over 2

=item *

requires v2.4.0 of PDL which isn't actually released
(a fairly-recent CVS build should do the trick)

=item *

conversion betweed 1D arrays and piddles works

=item *

should 0D piddles be converted to a scalar or a 1-element 1D array?
(currently the code croaks)

=item *

> 1D arrays is a mess since a 2x3 array in S-Lang maps to a
3x2 piddle.
The first time this happens a warning is printed to
STDERR as a precaution. Not sure what the best approach is.

=item *

It has not been tested on non 32-bit machines.


=item v0.12 Sun May 11 23:33:38 EDT 2003

This is a minor upgrade in functionality to version 0.11; the
changes are made to help support the inclusion of PDL in a future
release. The changes are:

=over 2

=item *

Added support to the C<DataType_Type> class
for numeric types that are - or may be -
synonyms of the "base" types. The added types are:
C<Int16_Type>, C<Int32_Type>, their unsigned versions,
C<Float32_Type>, C<Float64_Type>, and - if they are not a
"base" type - C<Short_Type> and C<Long_Type>.

=item *

The build process now checks that the S-Lang library was built with
support for floating-point and complex numbers. If it was not then
it should stop.

=item *

Added a brief section to this document describing
how S-Lang errors are handled.


=item v0.11 Wed May  7 00:39:17 EDT 2003

This release makes a couple of improvements to version I<0.10> and
includes infrastructure changes to support L<PDL|PDL::Intro>
(although piddles are still not supported). The major
changes are:

=over 2

=item *

S-Lang arrays can now be converted to the Perl C<Array_Type>
object as well as array references. The behaviour is
controlled by the C<Inline::SLang::sl_array2perl()> function,
described in L<Inline::SLang|Inline::SLang>.

=item *

It is now easier to create Perl scalars that contain a 
C<DataType_Type> object: use the functions
C<< Inline::SLang::<datatype name>() >> instead of
C<< DataType_Type->new( "<datatype name>" ); >>.
Use C<'!types'> in the C<EXPORT> configuration option to
import all these functions.

=item *

C<DataType_Type> objects can now be compared for equality 
(C<==>, C<eq>) and inequality (C<!=>, C<ne>).


=item v0.10 Sat May  3 19:39:00 EDT 2003

There have been a number of significant enhancements
and changes in this release, which is why the release
number has been bumped-up to the lofty heights of

The really-short summary is that all variables should now
be supported and the support for S-Lang's associative
arrays, normal arrays, and structures has been made much 
-more Perl like.

=over 2

=item *

Support for S-Lang libraries earlier than 1.4.7 has been discontinued.

=item *

Perl class names have been changed from C<Inline::SLang::XXX> to

=item *

S-Lang structs (both C<Struct_Type> and named structs) are stored
using a Perl object (also called C<Struct_Type>)
which can be treated as a hash reference.
As an example, if the S-Lang structure has a field C<x> and
it is stored in the Perl variable C<$foo> then you can
access the field as C<$$foo{x}>.

=item *

S-Lang C<Assoc_Type> arrays are now converted to the Perl
class (and vice-versa). This object can be treated as a hash
When calling S-Lang functions, hash references
are converted to S-Lang as an C<Assoc_Type [Any_Type]> array.

=item *

Arrays can now be converted between Perl (array
references or Perl C<Array_Type> objects)
and S-Lang (C<Array_Type> variables) for any
S-Lang data type.
Any dimension of array supported by S-Lang is now
available (in previous only one and two dimensional
arrays could be used).

Support for piddles is I<not yet available> (planned soon).

=item *

Several Inline::SLang::XXX routines can now be exported to Perl's
main package by use of the EXPORT configuration option (rather than
the standard Perl way of using 'use foo qw( ... );'. This can be
looked at as something of a hack.

=item *

Handling of S-Lang errors has been improved: they are now caught
and then converted into Perl errors (i.e. calls to C<croak>).
This means that calling DataType_Type->new() with an unknown type
name no longer results in S-Lang error messages printed to STDERR
(which it did in 0.06).

=item *

fixed mem leak when converting structs from Perl to S-Lang. Note that
the code used *may* trigger a mem leak in the S-Lang library if you
are using a version < 1.4.9.


=item v0.06 Thu Apr  3 22:36:54 EST 2003

Notable changes are:

=over 2

=item *

Essentially all S-Lang I<scalars> can now be converted to
Perl. Those without a direct translation to a native Perl
type are converted to "opaque" Perl objects, with classes
called C<Inline::SLang::XXX> where C<XXX> equals the
name of their S-Lang data type. Essentially all you can
do with these objects is pass them back to S-Lang
routines. However, it does mean you can now call routines that
return module-defined types.

Currently the S-Lang file types (so C<File_Type> and
C<FD_Type>) are converted using this scheme, which means you
can I<not> use them with Perl I/O commands. I need to
read up a lot more on Perl's I/O mechanism before I
can change this (if it's possible).

=item *

"Named" structures - e.g. C<Foo_Type> created by
C<< typedef struct {...} Foo_Type; >> - are now handled
as C<Inline::SLang::XXX> objects, where C<XXX> matches the 
structure type (so C<Foo_Type> in this example).
These classes are sub-classes of C<Inline::SLang::Struct_Type>.

=item *

Fixed handling of BIND_NS =E<gt> "All".

=item *

Added an examples/ directory to the distribution, which
contains simple examples (mainly from L<Inline::SLang::Types>).
Note that these files are I<not> installed into the Perl
tree by 'make install'.


=item v0.05 Fri Mar 14 11:57:31 EST 2003

Notable changes are:

=over 2

=item *

Handling of 'foreign' S-Lang types - those for which we
have introduced special classes such as C<DataType_Type>
variables - has been changed to use a scheme in which the
Perl class name is formed from the concatanation of
C<Inline::SLang::> and the S-Lang type (so
C<Inline::SLang::struct> has been renamed to

The classes are also more uniform in that they have a
number of common functions and, where possible, the
method names are similar to S-Lang functions with the
same functionality.

=item *

Ref_Type variables are now supported (scalars only)
via the C<Inline::SLang::Ref_Type> class. Unfortunately
this requires use of function/types that are not part
of the public interface of the S-Lang library.

=item *

The BIND_NS option only works for v1.4.3 and higher of S-Lang.
The option has been enhanced to allow namespace "renaming"
and the use of "All" to specify all known namespaces (this
only works for v1.4.7 and higher of S-Lang). The only valid
string options are now "Global(=...)" and "All".

=item *

The BIND_SLFUNCS option has been added to allow you to use
slected S-Lang intrinsic functions directly from Perl (i.e. without
having to write a S-Lang wrapper function around it). To
help avoid nameclashes you can chose your own name for
the function in Perl.

=item *

Documentation on S-Lang specific configuration options
has been moved to L<Inline::SLang::Config>.


=item v0.04 Fri Mar  7 00:14:47 EST 2003

Notable changes are:

=over 2

=item *

License changed to GNU GPL and copyright holder to SAO.

=item *

Now binds all functions (other than S-Lang intrinsic
functions) in the Global namespace. Added the C<BIND_NS> 
configuration option to allow functions in other 
namespaces to be bound as well. Use the Inline
'-MInline=INFO' option to find out what functions
have been bound.

=item *

S-Lang C<Struct_Type> variables are converted to 
C<Inline::SLang::struct> objects. There are
memory leaks!

=item *

Fixed memory leaks when converting C<Assoc_Type> 
arrays to Perl.

=item *

S-Lang C<Struct_Type> variables are converted to 
C<Inline::SLang::struct> objects.


=item v0.03 Tue Jan 28 12:01:49 EST 2003

Initial public release



=over 2

=item *

S-Lang library >= 1.4.7

=item *

The S-Lang library must have been compiled with support for
floating-point and complex numbers. The module could be
made to work without these numbers/types but I do not have the
time to do this.

=item *

The only tested operating systems are Solaris, Linux, and
OS-X (10.3.3). It should compile on UNIX-like systems (no promises
though), and I will be surprised if it works without tweaking
on other operating systems.

=item *

Perl >= 5.6.0



The code has not been widely tested so I can not guarantee what
will happen if you try to use it (not that I could offer any sort of
guarantee even if it had been tested across multiple platforms).

Please use the CPAN Resource Tracker at
to check for bugs, report new ones, and request new features.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Inline::SLang::Config>, L<Inline::SLang::Types>, L<Term::Slang>

For information about using C<Inline>, see L<Inline>.

For information about other Inline languages, see L<Inline-Support>.

For information about S-Lang see L<http://www.s-lang.org/>.


John Davis (for S-Lang), Brian Ingerson (for the Inline framework),
and Neil Watkiss since I based much of this module on
his L<Inline::Python> and L<Inline::Ruby> modules.

However, please do not assume that any errors in this module are in
any way related to the above people.

=head1 AUTHOR

Doug Burke <djburke@cpan.org>


This software is Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
All rights are reserved. 

It is released under the GNU General Public License.
You may find a copy of this licence in the file 
LICENSE within the source distribution or at 

Prior to version 0.04 the module was distributed
under the same terms as Perl.


There is no warranty. Please see the GNU General Public
License for more details.