
=head1 NAME

Astro::STSDAS::Table - access STSDAS format table files


B<Astro::STSDAS::Table> is a collection of routines to read STSDAS
table files (see L<http://stsdas.stsci.edu/STSDAS.html> for more
information on the format).  Casual users should peruse 

Those requiring a more flexible interface may wish to use
B<Astro::STSDAS::Table::Binary>, which is a subclass of

The package currently suffers from the following flaws:

=over 8

=item *

Only binary tables are supported

=item *

Tables can only be read.

=item *

Reading of column-ordered binary tables is untested.

=item *

Reading of binary tables with vector elements is untested.


=head1 LICENSE

This software is released under the GNU General Public License.  You
may find a copy at 


=head1 AUTHOR

Diab Jerius ( djerius@cpan.org )
