0.34      2022-01-27 10:44:45-05:00 America/New_York


   * bump required version of Test::TempDir::Tiny to at least 0.010 to
     resolve CPAN testers errors on in_tempdir on older version

0.33      2022-01-26 00:22:49-05:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)


   * If an incompatible Cpanel::JSON::XS < 3.0236 was installed, its
     version of JSON::PP::Boolean was used, rather than the real
     JSON:PP::Boolean.  (++SREZIC for the report RT#139460)

0.32      2021-09-13 18:14:20-04:00 America/New_York


   * add missing test dependency on Test::TempDir::Tiny. ++SREZIC

0.31      2021-09-13 18:14:20-04:00 America/New_York


   * table names were not appropriately quoted.

0.30      2021-09-01 18:09:05-04:00 America/New_York


    * previous fix in 0.29 was incomplete

0.29      2021-09-01 18:09:05-04:00 America/New_York


   * stream sink didn't properly guard against double closes

0.28      2021-08-09 20:42:48-04:00 America/New_York


   * JSON::MaybeXS is no longer used to find the JSON backend, as it
     does not allow a minimum version to be specified.

   * Tests for optional encoders (YAML, JSON, DBI) now will be skipped
     if required versions of their backends are not avaliable.
     Because the encoders are optional, they appear as runtime
     recommendations in META.json, which is not sufficient to cause
     installed versions to be upgraded to the required versions..


   * automatic numify/stringify/nullify field determination croaked if
     output fields were a subset of the types given.

   * the YAML, JSON, and DBI encoders now check at runtime that the
     required versions of their backends are available.

0.27      2021-08-07 14:10:27-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)


   * require at least Cpanel::JSON::XS 3.0236

0.26      2021-08-07 14:10:27-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)


    * require at least YAML::XS 0.67

    * add reporting for backends for JSON::MaybeXS

0.25      2021-08-06 11:29:25-04:00 America/New_York


    * test requires Exporter::Tiny >= 1.002 to export scalars

    * incorrect dependency on YAML::Any; only YAML::PP and YAML::XS are

0.24      2021-07-30 23:35:07-04:00 America/New_York


    * the consistency of the return values of the types, output_types, and fields methods was
      inconsistent. they're now consistent, and different.

    * type_index now returns an arrayref; it will probably change further, so use with caution.


    * booleans are now supported
    * json and yaml properly support booleans and string/number differentiation.
    * dbi supports booleans
    * new sink, array.
    * alternate namespaces for Sink and Encoders now possible
    * dbi connections may be opened in cached mode

0.23      2021-07-26 12:39:08-04:00 America/New_York


    * Missing test prerequisites: Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings, File::Slurper

0.22      2021-07-26 12:39:08-04:00 America/New_York


    * obsolete Makefile.PL was bundled with the distribution.

0.21      2021-07-26 12:39:08-04:00 America/New_York


    * switch to Module::Build::Tiny
    * Require Type::Tiny >= 1.010003 to fix broken CPAN tests: ++srezic (RT#131939)

0.20      2020-04-15 11:17:27-04:00 America/New_York


    * duplicate output fields now cause an exception to be thrown

0.19      2020-04-15 11:17:27-04:00 America/New_York


    * formats may now be coderef's as well as sprintf format strings

0.18      2018-04-11 15:01:27-04:00 America/New_York


    * Need Moo >= 2.003001 to get fix to RT#120000

0.17      2018-04-11 15:01:27-04:00 America/New_York


    * need parens for certain expressions in Perl <= 5.12.5 because of
      bug in precedence for prototyped functions (see perl5140delta).

0.16      2018-03-30 09:58:26-04:00 America/New_York


    * used Types::Standard's CycleTuple type, which requires a newer
      Types::Standard than was indicated

0.15      2018-03-28 15:00:21-04:00 America/New_York


    * the dbi backend now translates empty numeric fields into
      NULL fields.


    * empty fields may now optionally be turned into NULL values.
      see the <nullify> attribute.

    * new method <type_index>, returns fields with a given type

0.14      2018-03-21 13:03:45-04:00 America/New_York


    * dbi encoder:

      * The encoder no longer writes queued records at object
        destruction.  If there is an error writing a record to the
        database, an exception is raised. However, during object
        destruction Perl effectively ignores exceptions, suppressing
        notification of the failed writes.

      * if the record queue is not empty at the time of object destruction,
        a warning is issued.


    * dbi encoder:

        * the encoder provides the <flush> method, which explicitly writes
          queued records to the database.

        * The record queue is available via the <queue> method.

0.13      2018-02-12 15:59:58-05:00 America/New_York


    * the rdb encoder warned if a field was undefined. it's now quiet.
    * the Data::Dumper encoder didn't output eval'able code when
      multiple records were written.


    * update docs for JSON encoder to indicate that it is a
      stream of conactenated objects, and needs to be read
      with an incremental parser.

0.12      2017-06-15 15:43:52-04:00 America/New_York

    * require a recent version of Moo::Role to ensure that testers
      use one with which this code is compatible.

0.11      2017-05-09 10:41:54-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)


   * new close() method, causes output to sink to be flushed and
     the sink to be closed.

   * dbi encoder: more robust when destroyed during global destruction


   * specify required version of Types::Standard

0.10      2017-04-28 16:55:38-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)

 [ BUG FIX ]

   * dbi encoder: renaming a field to itself caused the field to be


   * require Perl >= 5.10 (for // operator)
   * require List::Util >= 1.29 ( for pairmap )
   * switch to Test2

0.09      2017-04-28 16:55:38-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)

 [ BUG FIX ]
    * dbi encoder: handle table names which include schema, e.g.

0.08      2017-04-28 10:05:23-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)

    * dbi encoder: SQL::Translator is used to generated DDL to create tables
    * dbi encoder: multiple primary keys are supported


    * use JSON::MaybeXS and YAML::Any to discover JSON/YAML encoders
      instead of homegrown code


    * clean up extraneous symbols in class namespaces


    * switch to Dist::Zilla

0.07_01 2017-04-20T16:59:45-0400


    * include SQL in output if sqlite driver can't create the table


    * install with no '.' in @INC for perl 5.25.11+

0.07	2015-01-21T14:50:25-0500

    * CPAN testers is all green!
    * bump version for stable release

0.06_01	2014-12-30T09:59:24-0500


    * correct incorrect bug URL (RT#101112)
    * fix test which triggered Perl warning under 5.21.X (RT#101113)

0.06	2014-12-23T17:26:07-0500

  * release as stable version

0.05_03 2014-06-18T09:58:58-0400


    * fix breakage on *BSD due to exclusive lock contention on temp
      SQLite file, (see File::Temp docs on EXLOCK). srezic++

0.05_02	2014-05-05T10:13:23-0400

    * specify minimum required version of Moo

0.05_01	2014-05-04T00:18:21-0400

    * specify minimum required version of Types::Standard

0.05	2014-05-02T15:51:19-0400


    * minor documentation fixes

0.04	2014-04-07T00:15:05-0400


    * new dbitrace parameter for DBI encoder

0.03	2014-03-25T21:02:15-0400


    * DBI drop_table option was broken

0.02	2014-03-22T16:46:43-0400


    * DBI writes are now written as batche in a transaction to improve

0.01	2014-03-18T15:19:58-0400

    * initial release