Revision history for Perl extension Decision::Depends.

0.10  Tue Dec 31 10:21:56 EST 2002
        - release to CPAN.  Now called Decision::Depends.
	  no more 'use Depends'. awww.

0.09  Wed Apr 10 10:20:48 EDT 2002
        - variable dependencies now try to guess if the value is a
	  number and perform a numeric comparison.  This may be
	  forced or overridden with the new -numcmp and -strcmp attributes.
	- documented variable dep. -case attribute.
	- added Depends::renew() for testing purposes.
	- removed dependency Attr hashes; they should all use State
	  Attrs via State methods.

0.08  Tue Apr  2 01:08:18 EST 2002
        - test for dependency existance in Time->new didn't
	  check the State cache (good when Pretend => 1 ).
	  it seems to be a duplicate check, as it's also done
	  (correctly) in Time->depends.  So, yank the check in new().

0.07  Mon Apr  1
        - configure is more flexible in regards to the form of its
	- OO::new was calling (via configure) $self->{State}->SetAttr
	  before $self->{State} was created.
	- Target::mkSFile wasn't correctly updating the modify time
	  if the sfile already existed.

0.06  Wed Mar 27 20:24:27 EST 2002
        - State->getVar was incorrectly treating variables
	  with values of 0 as being undefined.  oops.

0.05  Mon Mar 25 13:22:33 EST 2002

        - first recasting of top level Depends interface into OO
          module by moving most of the front end code into Depends::OO.
 now is just a wrapper around Depends::OO.

	- Depends::init superceded by Depends::Configure.

	- added Force and -force global and local attributes to force
	  dependencies to be out of date.

	- no longer use File::stat, as it causes conniptions for
	  testing under 5.6.1.

0.04  Thu Mar 21 19:48:11 EST 2002
        - added test_dep()

0.03  Thu Mar  7 16:45:04 EST 2002
        - further message tweaks.
	- Verbose > 4 gives object creation messages.
	- must have broken non-existant signature and variable code,
	  cause it didn't work.  does now.

0.02  Wed Mar  6 12:07:20 EST 2002
        - uses YAML instead of Data::Denter, as had corruption
	  problems with the latter
        - minor error message tweaks

0.01  Mon Feb  4 11:26:18 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-n Depends -A -X