Revision history for Perl extension IPC::XPA.
0.08_01 Fri Jan 18 14:57:47 EST 2008
- remove nuisance GNUMakefile
- add primitive support for pkg-config for xpa
0.08 Mon Sep 23 11:01:31 EDT 2002
- the buf argument to Set may be a scalar ref
as well as a scalar
0.07 Fri Apr 12 16:54:22 EDT 2002
- code + doc cleanups.
0.06 Fri Jan 25 19:13:59 EST 2002
- upgraded to XPA 2.1.0b8.
- NSLookup and Access had API changes.
- Handle Access error message against old servers
0.05 Fri Sep 8 20:54:43 EDT 2000
- missing typemap cast caused warnings from gcc
- removed AUTOLOAD stuff; not needed
0.04 Wed Aug 2 12:08:26 EDT 2000
- revamped returns from _Set() and _Get(); these now return
a hash keyed off of the server name (as returned by XPA),
with values being hashes with the returned results.
previously it returned an array of the hashes with returned
- the XPA handle had been blessed into IPC::XPA, but the
IPC::XPA::DESTROY routine was set up to handle what
IPC::XPA::new created, namely a hash, not a scalar. Thus,
when Perl cleanup was going on, it called DESTROY on the
scalar, causing it to burp. To solve this, the XPA handle is
now in it's own class, IPC::XPA::RAW.
Thu Jul 6 09:30:49 EDT 2000
- test script set max_servers to -1 when no servers were
there, causing _Get to try to allocate that many things.
- added check for version of ds9; older versions apparantly
don't do array correctly. really shouldn't be using ds9 for
0.03 Thu May 11 13:51:01 EDT 2000
- nullXPA() was was returning something which caused
the XS routines to complain about undef'd values. it was
moved into XS land, and a more sophisticated (kludgy?)
thing was done to check for undef and mapping it correctly
to NULL.
0.02 Tue May 9 16:58:56 EDT 2000
- fixed test script to work if more than one server is running
0.01 Wed Apr 19 13:40:48 2000
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18