Revision history for PDLx-Bin1D

0.22      2021-05-07 14:17:26-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)


   * clean up warnings for PDL > 2.030
   * specify minimum version of Type::Params

0.21      2021-05-07 14:13:34-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE)


    * clean up for CPAN release
    * switch to Dist::Zilla from Module::Install

0.20	2016-07-19T15:42:01-0400


    * essentially, this is a whole new module built on the
      functionality of CXC::PDL::Bin1D.  Nothing is the same.

0.12	2009-04-27T14:06:54-04:00
       - bin_err bin folding is now optional

0.11	2009-04-24T15:58:31-04:00
       - bin_err widths constraints were handled incorrectly

0.10	2009-04-23T16:31:27-04:00
       - bin_err can now use width constraints
       - bin_err returns per-bin status code

0.06	2008-04-25T17:26:54-04:00
       - bin_err & bin_sdev now handle bad values

0.05	2008-04-25T13:28:00-04:00
       - new bin_err routine
       - refactored bin_sdev interface; not backwards compatible

0.04	2008-04-23T16:00:07-04:00
       - bin_sdev folding of last bin sometimes led to S/N falling below
         the threshold.

0.03	2008-04-23T14:47:19-04:00
       - massive bug fixes. last version was quite broken
       - changed name from hist* to bin* as it's really a binning thing.

0.02	2008-04-23T10:38:32-04:00
       - hist_sdev now returns indices to the minimum and maximum bin values

0.01	2008-04-23T09:50:53-04:00
       Initial release.