Version    Date       Changes
-------  -----------  ---------------------------------------------------------
   0.01  06-OCT-1998  Initial release
   0.02  06-OCT-1998  Fixed some archive problems; added CHANGES file
   0.03  06-OCT-1998  Added home page to man page
   0.04  11-OCT-1998  Fixed a problem that was causing getonequote not to work
   0.05  26-OCT-1998  Stripped the trailing ^M from market cap and
		      tightened up the parsing code.  Thanks to
		      Jim Hulsey <>
   0.06  21-DEC-1998  Fixed a bug in getonequote that caused a choke when
		      the query failed.  Thanks to Ralph Sobek <>
   0.07  17-MAR-1999  Fixed a bug that was causing Macs to get a LF at the end
		      of each quote.  Thanks to Jim Miner <>
   0.08  20-MAR-1999  Re-fix of the same bug in 0.07.  Thanks again, Jim!
   0.09  22-MAR-1999  Added the exchange to the returned array.  See the man
		      page for more info.  Thanks to Dirk Eddelbuettel
   0.10  23-MAR-1999  Added dependencies to Makefile.PL.  Thanks again, Dirk!
   0.11  23-MAR-1999  Added the FAQ section to the manpage.
   0.12  24-JAN-2000  Added $ua->env_proxy() so that LWP will honor proxies.
		      Thanks again, Dirk, and Hamish Moffatt
   0.13  02-MAR-2000  Added support for overriding the LWP timeout.  Thanks to
		      Phillip Moore <>
   0.14  24-MAR-2000  Removed a use of defined that causes a warning under
		      PERL 5.6.  Thanks Bjoern Hansen <>!
		      Also, added a wantarray() check in getonequote, to make
		      it consistent with getquote.
   0.15  24-MAR-2000  Whoops...  That would be
		      Ask Bjoern Hansen <>!