Revision history for Monit::HTTP

0.05    21 April 2022
        - Use Carp's croak rather than die
        - Add some tests
        - Use parent to import Exporter
        - Remove outdated pod
        - Have metacpan point to githu issues rather than RT
        - Add mailmap to take care of Contributors metadata
        - Set minimum perl to 5.10 because why not? even thats far too old
        - Ensure cpan doesnt index t/ and scripts/

0.04    19 December 2018
        - Various adjustments

0.03    10 February 2016
        - Rework constants
        - Convert to Dist::Zilla

0.02    05 February 2016
        - Convert from LWP to HTTP::Tiny

0.01    15 August 2009
        - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.