Revision history for Perl extension Net::DHCP.
0.684  May 21 2012
  Changed to using Dist::Zilla.
0.683  Jan 21 2012
  Still chasing the Build requires issue. 
0.682  Jan 21 2012
  Minor update to tests sent in from Gregory Herrmann via RT#74187. Thanks for that!
  Updated pod to complete coverage
0.681  Jan 16 2012
  Forgot to update MANIFEST file... woops. Also some po updates.
0.68   Jan 14 2012
  Added Net/ stub.
0.67_2  Apr 18 2011
  Updated pod. Please be awair that i have added the word "CableLabs" to
  to pod. This may be of concern to Debian. Im not sure how their licensing
  works exactly vs CableLabs copyrights. Im reasonably certain its aok.
  Minor changes for RT#73972
  Improvements to tests
0.67_1  Dec 16 2010
  Warning: the declaration of DHO_NIS_DOMAIN was overlapping for options
  40 options 64. Therefore, options 64 and 65 where renamed DHO_NISV3_SERVER
  and DHO_NISV3_DOMAIN to remove this overlap and remain consistent. Added a vast number of option codes from the IANA listing.
  Added updated DHCP message codes, added Netware IP Codes. Tests were
  added for coverage of constants. Changed a whole bunch of stuff. Including removing some then
  then else orgies, tidying up lots of warnings.
  Tests. I'd added a bunch more tests :)
  Rearranged the test suite. Added lots of tests.
0.67  Nov 13 2010
  Fixing a small bug in marshall (see cpanrt61693), fixed a bug in (see cpanrt32962), clarified version dependance
  closing out cpanrt19405
0.66  Jul 12 2006
  Module is definitely not compatible with Perl 5.6.0. Minimum version
  is Perl 5.8.0.
  Corrected major bug in removeOption(), thanks to Nathan Scarlett.
0.65  Apr 22 2006
  Added a sample DHCP Server and tester: & in
  the examples folder.
0.64  Mar 06 2006
  Added removeOption() function
0.63  Jan 01 2006
  Major bug corrected in Net::DHCP::Packet->new() while parsing
0.62  Oct 07 2005
  Minor change to make module compatible Perl 5.6.0 instead of
  only 5.8.0.
0.61  Apr 29 2005
  Changed minimal acceptable packet length in marshall() method.
0.60  Mar 29 2005
  Lots of tests added.
  getOption() and addOption() removed and replaced by:
  - getOptionValue() & addOptionValue() which provide automatic
    type conversion to/from text representation
  - getOptionRaw() & addOptionRaw() to manipulate binary
    format packed into strings.
  new() now behaves differently for DHCP options, requiring text
  values and not packed binary values.
  toString() now escapes unprintable characters.
  Added methods : ciaddrRaw, giaddrRaw, siaddrRaw, yiaddrRaw that
  use packed binary formats. They are provided for performance enhancements
  when you want to avoid unnecessary type conversion.
  Pad options (0x00) are now supported.
  Example of DHCPLeaseQuery provided by John A. Murphy.
0.53  Mar 02 2005
  Performance enhancement in Packet->new() avoirding unnecessary
  type conversion and function calls.
  Support for DHCPLEASEQUERY, Cisco extension (draft-ietf-dhc-leasequery-05.txt).
  Corrected bug in Packet->new() not allowing '0' in Hlen and Htype parameters.
  Thanks to John A. Murphy.
0.52  Feb 24 2005
  Performance enhancements in
0.51  Feb 20 2005
  Added encoding and decoding functions for Relay Agent information
  (option 82 - RFC 3046).
  Comment field added in the Packet object. This lets you put any comment
  in the Packet object, such as a transaction number. This field not processed.
0.50  Feb  8 2005
  Deeply rewritten version based on Net::DHCP v0.11 by Francis
  van Dun.
  Net::DHCP::Session is momentarily missing, it should be
  reintroduced soon.