Net::DHCP - A DHCP packet object
0.693  2012-10-16

        - Changes kindly sent in my Alexander Clouter
        - Allows static routes to be included in dhcp packets
        - (no tests yet)

0.692  2012-09-05

	- Minor typo in pod

0.691  2012-08-24

	- Updated changelog for Kawlitee

0.69  2012-06-06

	- Added 'use warnings' to improve Kwalitee
	- Now uses dist::zilla

0.685  2012-05-21

	- Removed file

0.684  2012-05-21

	- Changed to using Dist::Zilla.

0.683  2012-01-21

	- Still chasing the Build requires issue.

0.682  2012-01-21

	- Minor update to tests sent in from Gregory Herrmann via RT#74187. Thanks for that!
	- Updated pod to complete coverage

0.681  2012-01-16

	- Forgot to update MANIFEST file... woops. Also some po updates.

0.68   2012-01-14

	- Added Net/ stub.

0.67_2  2011-04-18

	- Updated pod. Please be awair that i have added the word "CableLabs" to to pod. This 05-be of concern to Debian. Im not sure how their licensing works exactly vs CableLabs copyrights. Im reasonably certain its aok.
	- Minor changes for RT#73972
	- Improvements to tests

0.67_1  2010-12-16

	- Warning: the declaration of DHO_NIS_DOMAIN was overlapping for options 40 options 64. Therefore, options 64 and 65 where renamed DHO_NISV3_SERVER and DHO_NISV3_DOMAIN to remove this overlap and remain consistent.
	- Added a vast number of option codes from the IANA listing.
	- Added updated DHCP message codes, added Netware IP Codes. Tests were added for coverage of constants.
	- Changed a whole bunch of stuff. Including removing some then then else orgies, tidying up lots of warnings.
	- Tests. I'd added a bunch more tests :)
	- Rearranged the test suite. Added lots of tests.

0.67  2010-11-13

	- Fixing a small bug in marshall (see cpanrt61693), fixed a bug in (see cpanrt32962), clarified version dependance closing out cpanrt19405

0.66  2006-07-12

	- Module is definitely not compatible with Perl 5.6.0. Minimum version is Perl 5.8.0.
	- Corrected major bug in removeOption(), thanks to Nathan Scarlett.

0.65  2006--04-22

	- Added a sample DHCP Server and tester: & in the examples folder.

0.64  2006-03-06

	- Added removeOption() function

0.63  2006-01-01

	- Major bug corrected in Net::DHCP::Packet->new() while parsing attributes.

0.62  2005-10-07

	- Minor change to make module compatible Perl 5.6.0 instead of only 5.8.0.

0.61  2005-04-29

	- Changed minimal acceptable packet length in marshall() method.

0.60  2005-03-29

	- Lots of tests added.
	- getOption() and addOption() removed and replaced by:
	  * getOptionValue() & addOptionValue() which provide automatic
	  type conversion to/from text representation
	  * getOptionRaw() & addOptionRaw() to manipulate binary format packed into strings.
	- new() now behaves differently for DHCP options, requiring text values and not packed binary values.
	- toString() now escapes unprintable characters.
	- Added methods : ciaddrRaw, giaddrRaw, siaddrRaw, yiaddrRaw that use packed binary formats. They are provided for performance enhancements when you want to avoid unnecessary type conversion.
	- Pad options (0x00) are now supported.
	- Example of DHCPLeaseQuery provided by John A. Murphy.

0.53  2005-03-02

	- Performance enhancement in Packet->new() avoirding unnecessary type conversion and function calls.
	- Support for DHCPLEASEQUERY, Cisco extension (draft-ietf-dhc-leasequery-05.txt).
	- Corrected bug in Packet->new() not allowing '0' in Hlen and Htype parameters.  Thanks to John A. Murphy.

0.52  2005-04-24

	- Performance enhancements in

0.51  2005-04-20

	- Added encoding and decoding functions for Relay Agent information (option 82 - RFC 3046).
	- Comment field added in the Packet object. This lets you put any comment in the Packet object, such as a transaction number. This field not processed.

0.50  2005-04-8

	- Deeply rewritten version based on Net::DHCP v0.11 by Francis van Dun.
	- Net::DHCP::Session is momentarily missing, it should be reintroduced soon.