Revision history for Test2-Aggregate
0.12 2020-02-21
'dry_run' option.
'pre_eval' option.
'include' regex option, 'excludes' changed to 'exclude' for symmetry.
Comments in list files, POD update, test coverage.
0.11 2019-12-04
Remove duplicate tests by default, add 'unique' option.
'excludes' option.
0.10 2019-11-23
'sort' option for fixed order.
'package' option fixes & tests.
0.09 2019-11-22
Warnings added to stats of test run.
'package' option.
0.08 2019-07-05
Return stats of test run to caller.
0.07 2019-07-04
Fix stats bug from 0.06.
0.06 2019-07-04
'extend_stats' option.
Fix repeat<0.
Perl critic test & fix.
0.05 2019-06-21
Avoid Test::More redefine warnings.
Defaults shown in POD method description.
0.04 2019-06-14
Don't warn on non-existent paths, warn on invalid root.
STDOUT option for 'stats_output'.
Fix tests for @INC not containing '.'.
Don't warn on non-existent paths, warn on invalid root.
STDOUT option for 'stats_output'.
Fix tests for @INC not containing '.'.
0.03 2019-06-10
File::Find fix for Perl <= 5.22.
0.02 2019-06-10
Fix 'root' option, add 'load_modules', no implicit done_testing().
0.01 2019-06-06
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.