   - Resolved RT#123215, warning from File::Find.
   - Added RT#65253, permit empty passwords.
   - Resolved RT#121136, testing without "." in @INC.
   - Resolved RT#73873, warning fix.
   - Switch build to Dist::Zilla.

# $Log: Changes,v $
# Revision 11.91  2002/12/13 23:44:56  tlowery
# Fixed version numbers
# Revision 11.6  2002/10/28 02:49:57  tlowery
# Release 11.6
# Revision 11.5  2002/04/17 15:03:15  tlowery
# Added the begining of column_info support.
# Revision 11.4  2002/04/09 10:52:12  tlowery
# Continued to improve support for formatting.  Added more tests.
# Revision 11.3  2002/01/02 03:14:59  tlowery
# Modified to include new formats.
# Changed displaymode to format.
# Cleaned up a number of "undefined" messages.
# Revision 11.2  2001/10/29 15:56:00  tlowery
# Added timing tests.
# Added go with empty buffer gets the last command and executes.
# Added support for negative numbers with get.
# Fixed undef warnings from histories.
# Revision 1.2  2001/04/06 09:32:22  tlowery
# Added CVS tags.