Revision history for Perl extension File::Path.


    - Use catfile() instead of catdir() in _mkpath() for VMS,
      patch from Craig Berry.
    - Don't use warnings (my code doesn't have errors anyway),
	  code change suggested by Rafael Garcia-Suarez.
    - Don't pass LICENSE key to WriteMakefile in Makefile.PL
      if the installed version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker is not
      sufficiently modern.

1.99_02 2007-05-27 09:25:53 UTC

    - Don't allow a directory named '' (empty string) to be created.
    - File::Spec routines catdir() and updir() interact differently on Win32
    - $! needs to be managed more carefully on Win32

1.99_01 2007-05-17 13:09:59 UTC

    - Dual-lifed from the Perl core distribution.
    - New-style interface added.
    - Extensive tests added to improve code coverage.
    - 5.005 compatibility restored