Revision history for Perl extension Win32::EventLog::Carp.  (Note:
Potential incompatabilities are marked with '*'.)

1.41 2007-05-19
    - Some public routines were not documented.

1.40 2006-10-06
    - Maintenance taken over by David Landgren
    - No functional changes, this release serves only to bring
      bug reports to the attention of the current maintainer
    - Removed SIGNATURE infrastructure
    - Perltidied and detabbed the source
    - Added pod tests

1.39  Mon Dec 20 2004
    - corrected SIGNATURE issue

1.38  Fri Dec 17 2004
    - removed extraneous "ignoring event" message in tests
    - fixed issue with tests failing on machines w/full logs
    - added SIGNATURE to distribution
    - added warning in README about WinZip and tests

1.37  Fri Aug  6 2004
    - corrected how unregistered logs are opened
    - corrected opening new error log in 01-basic.t test
    - updated KNOWN ISSUES section of POD

1.36  Tue Jul 27 2004
    - removed 'use warnings' (min Perl 5.006, not Perl 5.005)
    - removed Test::Exception from build_requires
    - added tests for event source registration
    - fixed event source registration
    - corrected tests (in line with Log::Dispatch::Win32EventLog)
    - event log is opened to $Source rather than "Application"

1.35  Mon Jul 26 2004
    - rebuilt distribution with proper META.yml
    - build requires Test::Exception
    - minor changes to documentation

1.34  Wed Jun 30 2004
    - added note about using Test::Exception
    - fixed warning posted to log when unable to read event log
    - moved Test::More to build_requires parameter

1.33  Sat Jun  5 2004
    - corrected typo (IsWinNT instead of WinNT)

1.32  Sat Jun  5 2004 
    - documented how to use with Windows 95/98/ME
    - use Win32::NodeName instead of $ENV{COMPUTERNAME}
    - minor changes to how modules are imported
    - corrected Build.PL to require Test::More and Win32
    - Build.PL will die on non-NT machines

1.31  Fri Jun  4 2004
    - LogEvals can now be set outside of the module
    - fixed bug with LogEvals being ignored if another function is
      hooked onto __DIE__ signal (RT#6508)
    - rewrote tests to test writing every function, and to read 
      the events back

1.30  Thu Jun  3 2004
    - added tests
    - fixed issue with uninitialized values (RT#5408).
    - added Build.PL as alternative to Makefile.PL
    - added META.yml to distribution
    * source registration disabled by default; must be enabled in import
    - renamed global variables with initial caps
    - added note in POD about Windows 2003/IIS security policy
    - added require for Carp::Heavy because of longmess_heavy and
      shortmess_heavy routines
    - added note in POD about warnings from Win32::EventLog

1.21  23 Jul 2001
    - removed warning message when an attempt to register a custom event
      source (using Win32::EventLog::Message) fails

1.20  12 Jul 2001
    - added test for die within an eval; death in an eval is no longer
      reported in the event log by default
    - added LogEvals option to report failed evals in the event log
    - added note about forcing a stack trace in POD

1.11  20 Jun 2001
    - tested with Carp::Assert
    - added register_source() function

1.10   7 Feb 2001
    - uses Win32::EventLog::Message to register the source,
      if the module is installed on the system
    - the registration and initialization of the event log handle
      will be done in the _report() function
    - the event text now begins with the script's absolute path
    - the 'Source' in the event log is now the script's basename
    - NUL characters in event text are treated like newlines

1.00  10 Jan 2001
        - This version is a serious re-write!
    - Win32 events are posted by trapping __WARN__ and __DIE__ signals
      (which means warnings and errors from most other modules used by
      the calling program will be posted to the event log)
    - @ISA Carp
    * changed behavior of 'click' to use Carp::shortmess
    - carriage-return/newline combinations handled better in event text
    - blank lines in event text are ignored

0.04  7 Mar 2000
    - added a 'click' function for information messages
    - newlines in event strings converted to spaces

0.02  6 Mar 2000
    - original version