Revision history for BBCode::Parser.

A more detailed revision history is available via Subversion checkout.
Browse <URL:svn://> for a complete
history of the project.

0.30 [2006-02-04 13:02:03 -0600]
* Fixed a stupid bug: &entities; weren't treated as [ENT=entities]
* Big improvements to the "bbtest" demo program.
  Try "bbtest --help" for usage info.
* Massive documentation updates
* Finally added $tag->toText
* Lots of scattered improvements (see logs -r124:155 for details)

There is, however, one outstanding wart:
* The current version of [IMG] always needs a closing [/IMG].
  However, at this point I just want to get 0.30 out the door.

0.23 [2006-01-17 08:28:25 -0600]
* Rewrote part of the [LIST] tag handling to support implicit list items.  It
  guesstimates that each line of text is a new list item.  WARNING: Using tags
  within an implicit list item (e.g. [URL] or [B]) will NOT work.
* Despite previous reports to the contrary, research shows that HTML 4.01 has
  absolutely no qualms about nesting block tags inside an <li>.  My bad.

Further thanks to Alex Teslik for his real-world use of this module, which has
helped shake out the entire 0.20 branch.

0.22 [2006-01-10 10:28:46 -0600]
* Added a tweak that allows nesting block tags within list items.  Technically
  not valid HTML, but users expect it.  At some point, I might replace <pre>
  with <span> and some CSS...

0.21 [2006-01-09 09:47:13 -0600]
* Added two new named colors: darkred and darkblue.
* Fixed a glitch that depends on Perl's interaction between $1/$2 and subs.
* Fixed a non-intuitive parser quirk that made e.g. links to CGI scripts
  "break" (i.e. need quoting/backslashes when it wasn't strictly necessary).

Thanks go to Alex Teslik <alex (AT)> for the bug report that
led to this release.

0.20 [2005-08-27 06:00:11 -0500]
* Re-designed a lot of internals
* Added $parser->clone() and BBCode::Parser->DEFAULT()
* Added the beginnings of support for application-defined BBCode tags;
  See tagUserDefined in BBCode::Util.
  NOTE: The API for this feature will almost certainly change!

0.02 - Never released (should have been forked from r85 on the SVN trunk)
* Documentation fixes

0.01 [2005-08-22 13:22:43 -0500]
* Initial release

$Id: Changes 158 2006-02-04 19:12:54Z chronos $