Revision history for Perl extension Bread::Board

0.06 Mon. Nov. 3, 2008
    - Forgot to update MANIFEST before uploading to CPAN.

0.05 Mon. Nov. 3, 2008
    - Applied immutablity to classes where applicable, and vigorously unimport
      Moose keywords when they are no longer needed. This results in 
      x 2 performance as far as defining a Bread::Board model (Daisuke Maki).

    * Bread::Board
      - Implemented unimport(), thus allowing you to remove keywords
        exported by Bread::Board (Daisuke Maki).

    * Bread::Board::Traversable
      - Unrolled recursive calls to loops, and removed Sub::Current dependency
        (Daisuke Maki)

0.04 Fri. Oct. 31, 2008
    * Bread::Board
      - fix root path handling (thanks to Daisuke Maki)
        - added tests for this
    * Bread::Board::Dumper
      - Simple utility for dumping containers
        (thanks to Daisuke Maki)
    * t/
      - fixing the plans so that new versions of 
        Test::More stop complaining

0.03 Tues. Jan. 8, 2008
    * Bread::Board::Service::WithParameters
      - fixed the parameter validation to 
        use a custom cache key, this is so 
        that it plays nicely with the new 
        - added tests for this

0.02 Tues. Jan. 8, 2008
    - forgot a dependency, whoops.

0.01 Mon. Jan. 7, 2008
    - Out with the old (IOC) and in 
      with the new (Bread::Board)