package Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent::Selector::Ketama;
use strict;
use base qw(Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent::Selector::Traditional);
use Algorithm::ConsistentHash::Ketama;
use Carp qw(croak);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = bless{ @_, ketama => Algorithm::ConsistentHash::Ketama->new }, $class;

    my $servers = $self->{memcached}->{_active_servers};
    foreach my $server (@$servers) {
    return $self;

sub add_server {
    my ($self, $server, $h) = @_;

    my $ketama = $self->{ketama};
    my ($host_port, $weight) = (ref $server eq 'ARRAY') ?
        @$server : ( $server, 1 )
    $ketama->add_bucket($host_port, $weight);

sub get_handle {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    my $count = $self->{memcached}->{_active_server_count};
    if ($count > 0) {
        my $servers = $self->{memcached}->{_active_servers};
        my $handles = $self->{memcached}->{_server_handles};

        # short-circuit for when there's only one socket
        if ($count == 1) {
            return (values %$handles)[0];
        my $ketama = $self->{ketama};
        my $handle = $handles->{ $ketama->hash( $key ) };
        if ($handle) {
            return $handle;
    croak "Could not find a suitable handle for key $key";



=head1 NAME

Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent::Selector::Ketama - Ketama Server Selection Algorithm 

    use Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent;
    my $memd = Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent->new({
        selector_class => 'Ketama',


Implements the ketama server selection mechanism, 

=head1 METHODS

=head2 $class->new( memcached => $memd )


=head2 $selector->add_server( $server, $handle )

Called when a new server connection is made.

=head2 $handle = $selector->get_handle( $key )

Returns the AnyEvent handle that is responsible for handling C<$key>
