0.00004 - 13 Jan 2008
- No code change.
- Note in POD what the differences between other memcached clients are.
rt #32277
- Update tools/ to include the following:
* comparisons between get() for small scalar, complex data structures,
and compressed data
* comparisons between set() for small scalar, complex data structures,
and compressed data
0.00003 - 13 Jan 2008
- Revert back to go without using backend proxy.
- Fix segmentation fault when using get_multi() without debugging enabled.
- Implement set() as a pure C function.
- Implement add().
- Implement replace().
- Implement flush_all().
- Implement accessors:
* set_compress_threshold
* get_compress_threshold
* set_compress_enabled
* get_compress_enabled
* set_compress_savings
* get_compress_savings
* compress_enabled
- Fix behavior of set_servers() to actually replace the server list.
- Add tools/ to compare against vanilla Cache::Memcached.
0.00002 - 13 Jan 2008
- Implement get_multi(), delete(), incr(), decr()
- Implement connecting to memcached via unix socket.
- Add ::Constants package.
0.00001 - 11 Jan 2008
- Initial release.
- Only supportes get()/set()