
All changes by Daisuke Maki, unless otherwise noted.

0.09003_01 - 07 Apr 2010
   - Fix memory corruption (Martin Blapp)
   - Fix rt #28072. Changing $/ doesn't change the return value (Martin Blapp)
   - Fix how SV returned by error() is handled.
   - Add a clone() method.

0.09003 - 05 Nov 2007
   - Fix BBC breakage in anticipation for 5.10 (Thanks a bunch to Jan Dubois
     and Andres Koenig). This was caused by a erronous Safefree() call where
     it should have been a simple free().

0.09002 - 09 Jul 2007
   - Allow bufmagic() to accept a ref to a scalar for performance (rt #28040)
   - Don't close file handle for fhmagic

0.09001 - 06 Jun 2007
   - Fix typo (rt #27454)

0.09 - 09 May 2007
   - Kwalitee updates: doc fixes, POD tests, license.
   - Fallback to DynaLoader for older perls
   - Remove

0.08 - 27 Oct 2005
   - Implement add_file_ext(), which acts as a fallback to guessing MIME
     types based on the file extension, when all else fails
   - Fix fmm_ascmagic so that when it fallsback to text/plain, it correctly
     reports that it guessed, not a real match.

0.07 - 01 Aug 2005
   - Yikes, Perl-C mixup: forgot to call "return".
     Reported by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa.
   - Verify return value from softmagic()
   - Add tests for fhmagic.

0.06 - 26 July 2005
   - Remove debug lines.

0.05 - 25 July 2005
   - Cleanup XS. Now File::MMagic::XS instance is not a hashref,
     but a blessed scalar
   - Use PerlIO* instead of FILE *, fread(), fopen(), et al.
   - Fallback to text/plain, as File::MMagic does.
   - Add compatibility to File::MMagic

0.04 - 07 July 2005
   - One more missing aTHX_ 

0.03 - 23 June 2005
   - Switch malloc/free calls with Newz/Safefree.
   - Use more perl's macros is*()
   - Use aTHX_ properly

0.02 - 22 June 2005
   - Add missing Changes file
   - Fix return value from fmm_ascmagic.
   - Add error()

0.01 - 19 June 2005
   - Initial CPAN release