Except where noted, all changes made by Daisuke Maki <>
1.08_01 - 16 May 2006
- Add clear() call to the DNS cache on startup. On systems with prolonged
process life time, it's likely that the DNS cache is holding bad data,
so we might as well reinitialize.
- add tools/ and custom Makefile.PL
- Fix so that shutdown_broker state kills alarms.
- Try to work with servers that send 400/408 upon too many connections
(the sysadmins must hate me) by gracefully reducing the number of
HTTP fetchers upon encountering those return status
1.08 - 01 May 2006
- Implemented the "Loop" parameter in the Push crawler. This will allow
you to keep the broker session even without a pending job queue.
1.07 - 26 Apr 2006
- Hiroyuki Nishimura makes me realize that there's no way to shutdown
a Push broker. Also added a shutdown_broker state, so you can easily
shutdown the broker.
1.06 - 17 Apr 2006
- Add EnableDnsCache argument so that you can enable/disable DNS
caching. This is on by default.
- Make Cache::Cache a requirement.
1.05 - 12 Apr 2006
- Fix constructor to check for parameters passed to it (other than the
config file). Now Xango::Broker::* constructors properly use
config file as the defaults, and then let other parameters override
those values.
1.04 - 01 Apr 2006
- Add missing for testing (Reported by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
- Fix POD
1.03 - 01 Apr 2006
- Fix the push crawler: it was spawning way too many http connections
when a massive amount of URI is enqueue'd to the broker.
(Reported by Yappo)
1.02 - 04 Feb 2006
- properly call 'prep_request' on the handler, not the broker session
1.01 - 26 Jan 2006 ("Bang My Head Against The Wall" Release)
- Fix the next state that fake_error_response posts to.
1.00 - 12 Dec 2005
- Xango::Job can accept simple scalars, not just URI objects
(nudged by Tasuku Suenaga over some prime ribs)
- Only run POD tests when disttest is specified
- Cleanup
0.99_02 - 18 Oct 2005
- Oops, Xango::Tutorial should have been Xango::Manual::Intro
- Document Xango::Broker::Base constructor arguments
- Fix initialization. First load from config file, then use arguments.
- Silence Pod::Test::Coverage (but not quite done yet)
0.99_01 - 17 Oct 2005
*** Backwards Incompatible Changes ***
- Change structure drastically: Xango::Broker is now separated into
Xango::Broker::Pull, Xango::Broker::Push.
- States have changed -- beware!
*** House Cleaning ***
- 0.99 no longer resides on the same svn repository as 0.0x.
- Handler component's alias no longer needs to be 'handler'. You may specify
arbitrary names in the Xango::Broker constructor.
- Broker components' alias no longer needs to be 'broker'. Same as above.
- Add Xango::Manual::Intro
- apply_policy is now called synchronously, not thought POE's FIFO
- Allow toggling DEBUG switch from $ENV via $ENV{XANGO_DEBUG}
- Add tests for push and pull crawlers
0.09 -
- Add a 'shutdown' state.
0.08 - 09 Jun 2005
- Fix POE::Kernel->sig() usage.
- Autoflush debug handle
- Add DnsCacheArgsDeref config parameter, in case you need to pass
non-reference parameter list to the cache constructor. I needed this
to use Cache::FastMmap as the cache engine
0.07 - 22 May 2005
- Doc tweaks.
- Properly use DnsComponentClass
- Properly use DNS_COMP_ALIAS
- Fix Xango::Config::init()
0.06 - 20 May 2005
- Build.PL tweaks
0.05 - 08 May 2005
- Remove processors from distribution.
- Doc tweaks.
0.04 - 24 Apr 2005
- Add HttpComponentClass, HttpComponent, JobRetrievalDelay, ReloadConfig
to config parameters
- Add Log::Dispatch
0.03 - 24 Mar 2005
- rename xago-broker to xango (no need, as Xango has been integrated
into one process, rather than multiple)
- remove unneeded prerequisites
0.02 - 17 Mar 2005
- Configuration variables noted
- handle sigpipe in case remote servers kill their connection
(PoCo::Component::HTTP does not handle this)
0.01 - 07 Feb 2005
- Renamed to Xango from Brazil-Crawler