Revision history for Perl extension Math::FastGF2.

0.02  Fri Aug 14 18:00:00 2009
        - New release. Add Matrix code.
        - All installable perl scripts now go in bin/ where they
        - Make building of XS code depend on perlsubs.c
        - Automated tests by CPAN testers are failing because of
          different sizes for "unsigned long". A future release will
          try to determine the correct word size at compile time.
          Until then, if the system tests fail with code 11 (segfault)
          on systems with 64-bit native ints, please manually change
          the type of gf2_u32 to something appropriate and also update
          the Perl XS functions (and prototypes) to use the same
          value. Thank you.

0.01  Mon Jul 13 20:19:47 2009
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-A -n Math::FastGF2