Revision history for Perl extension XML::Writer.

	- added Namespace support (XML::Writer::Namespaces subclass
	  and NAMESPACES constructor parameter)
	- added PREFIX_MAP constructor parameter, and
	  add/removePrefix() methods for Namespace support
	- added getOutput() and setOutput() methods
        - added new query methods in_element(), within_element(),
          current_element(), and ancestor()
        - changed constructor to use parameterized arguments
        - added constructor option to insert newlines in tags
        - element name is now optional in endTag() method
        - fixed to work on Mac, and added new test
        - added more examples in documentation
        - require at least Perl 5.004

0.1  Mon Apr 19 12:27:36 1999
        - original version; created by h2xs 1.19