# $Id: Changes 5 2006-07-22 21:10:23Z dmitri $
Revision history for Perl module RT::Client::REST
0.11 Sat Jul 22 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Make $VERSION a string so that 'make tardist' works as
expected (i.e. version 0.10 instead of 0.1).
0.10 Sat Jul 22 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
Started working on new APIs; new objects and file structure.
0.06 Wed Jul 12 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
* Method 'create' now returns numeric ID of the new object.
* RT::Interface::REST is no longer a requirement. If it is not
installed, embedded copy of auxiliary methods is used.
* Added tests.
0.05 Thu Apr 20 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
* Added RT::Client::REST::CouldNotCreateObjectException
0.04 Wed Apr 19 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
* Removed old print statements
0.03 Wed Apr 19 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
This is the initial release.
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