# $Id: Changes 104 2006-08-04 13:29:09Z dtikhonov $
Revision history for Perl module RT::Client::REST
0.22 Fri Aug 4 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Object.pm
* Modified behavior. Now list attribute methods return lists,
not array references.
* Fixed the way comma-separated values are split when parsing forms.
* Updated POD.
! Makefile.PL
* Added dependency on Test::Exception, so that automated CPAN tests
don't fail.
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Updated POD.
* Upped VERSION.
* No code changes.
! examples/edit_ticket.pl
* Modified to support setting list attributes.
0.21 Thu Aug 3 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Added support for attachments.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Ticket.pm
* Updated POD.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Exception.pm
* Added exception RT::Client::REST::CannotReadAttachmentException.
* Jump version to 0.17 so that CPAN indexer does not bitch.
! t/22-ticket.t
* Added test for RT::Client::REST::CannotReadAttachmentException.
0.20 Wed Aug 2 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
Added support for queues.
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Modified method "show()" to accept non-numeric IDs for objects
of type 'queue'.
+ lib/RT/Client/REST/Queue.pm
+ t/25-queue.t
* Queue support.
+ examples/show_queue.pl
+ examples/create_user.pl
+ examples/list_tickets.pl
* More examples.
* Added new files.
0.19 Wed Aug 2 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Fixed a bug in 'create' and 'edit' -- introduced in 0.14 when
APIs changed. (Note to self - need a full-blown test suite).
0.18 Wed Aug 2 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
! t/10-core.t
* Added methods 'take', 'untake', and 'steal'.
* If attribute 'server' is unset,
RT::Client::REST::RequiredAttributeUnsetException will be thrown
when a REST method is called.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Exception.pm
* Added exceptions:
* RT::Client::REST::RequiredAttributeUnsetException
* RT::Client::REST::AlreadyTicketOwnerException
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Object.pm
! t/20-object.t
* Added convenience assertions methods:
* _assert_rt_and_id
* _assert_rt
* Added assertions to methods 'retrieve', 'store', and 'count'.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Object/Exception.pm
* Added exceptions:
* RT::Client::REST::Object::NoopOperationException
* RT::Client::REST::Object::RequiredAttributeUnsetException
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Ticket.pm
! t/22-ticket.t
* Added methods 'take', 'untake', and 'steal'
* Added assertions in a couple of places
* Fixed up POD.
+ examples/take_ticket.pl
* Taking a ticket.
* Added new example.
0.17 Tue Aug 1 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
+ lib/RT/Client/REST/Transaction.pm
+ t/24-transaction.t
* Added transaction object.
+ examples/show_transaction.pl
+ examples/list_transactions_rt.pl
+ examples/list_transactions.pl
* Some more examples.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Ticket.pm
* Added method "transactions()".
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
! t/10-core.t
* Added methods "get_transaction_ids()" and "get_transaction()"
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Attachment.pm
* After retrieving values, set everything to not dirty.
* Fixed up POD.
* Added new files.
0.16 Tue Aug 1 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
Added support for user object; other minor changes.
+ lib/RT/Client/REST/User.pm
+ t/21-user.t
* Added user object.
+ examples/show_user.pl
+ examples/edit_user.pl
* Examples of the user APIs.
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* If method "show()" is called to retrieve an object of type "user",
'id' parameter does not have to be numeric.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Exception.pm
* Added RT::Client::REST::UnauthorizedActionException
* Method _rt_content_to_exception() now returns a ready-to-throw
exception with message set to massaged text from RT server.
* Added new files.
0.15 Tue Aug 1 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Ticket.pm
* Fixed up POD.
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Upped $VERSION to 0.15 -- no code changes.
0.14 Tue Aug 1 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
+ lib/RT/Client/REST/Attachment.pm
+ examples/list_attachments.pl
+ examples/show_attachment.pl
+ t/23-attachment.t
* New attachment representation.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Ticket.pm
! t/22-ticket.t
* Added method "attachments()".
! lib/RT/Client/REST/SearchResult.pm
! t/40-search.t
* Changed APIs to be more flexible -- pass a closure to retrieve
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Object.pm
* Modified to work correctly with new REST.pm and SearchResult.pm APIs.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Object/Exception.pm
* Added RT::Client::REST::Object::IllegalMethodException
! examples/show_ticket.pl
* Catch and display exceptions.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Exception.pm
* Added several exceptions.
* Added POD.
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
! t/10-core.t
* Modified "show()" and "edit()" methods to only accept a single ID.
This is needed in order to correctly throw exceptions -- one object
at a time, please.
* Added methods "get_attachment_ids()" and "get_attachment()".
* Removed list of exceptions (see Exception.pm docs).
* Various small updates to POD.
* Added the new files.
0.13 Mon Jul 31 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
Added searching APIs.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Object.pm
* Added methods 'search' and 'count'.
* Updated POD.
+ lib/RT/Client/REST/SearchResult.pm
* This class is an OO representation of search results.
+ t/40-search.t
* Tests for RT/Client/REST/SearchResult.pm
+ examples/search_tickets.pl
* Example of a search.
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Added method 'search'.
* Modified POD to reflect latest changes.
! t/10-core.t
* Added test for method 'search'.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Exception.pm
* Added RT::Client::REST::InvalidQueryException
* Added $VERSION
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Object/Exception.pm
* Added two exceptions:
* RT::Client::REST::Object::InvalidSearchParametersException
* RT::Clite::REST::Object::InvalidAttributeException
* Search has been implemented.
* Added search-related files.
0.12 Tue Jul 25 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
Refactoring and improvement continues. Still very much beta.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Ticket.pm
* Added methods 'comment' and 'correspond'.
* Added attribute 'last_updated'.
* Added POD.
! t/22-ticket.t
* Added tests for new methods and attributes.
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Added 'cc' and 'bcc' support to 'comment' and 'correspond' methods.
* Refactoring: moved forms functions and exceptions into their own files.
* Fixed POD (s/=end/=cut/).
* Throw 409 RT errors (syntax errors), since this client is not
+ lib/RT/Client/REST/Exception.pm
* Refactoring: moved forms functions and exceptions into their own files.
* Mapped 'does not exist' to ObjectNotFound exception.
* Added RT::Client::REST::UnknownCustomFieldException.
+ lib/RT/Client/REST/Forms.pm
* Refactoring: moved forms functions and exceptions into their own files.
! lib/RT/Client/REST/Object.pm
* When creating an object, update $self with the new id.
* Added support for fetching and updating custom fields.
* Added method 'cf' for custom field manipulation.
* Added POD.
! t/20-object.t
* Added test for 'cf' method.
+ t/90-pod.t
* Added POD tests using Test::Pod.
! examples/edit_ticket.pl
! examples/show_ticket.pl
* Now rtserver is $ENV{RTSERVER} by default.
+ examples/create_ticket.pl
+ examples/comment_on_ticket.pl
+ examples/edit_custom_field.pl
* More examples.
! Makefile.PL
* Added dependency on Params::Validate.
* Updated to reflect new tests, examples, and classes.
* Added TODO file.
0.11 Sat Jul 22 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
! lib/RT/Client/REST.pm
* Make $VERSION a string so that 'make tardist' works as
expected (i.e. version 0.10 instead of 0.1).
0.10 Sat Jul 22 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
Started working on new APIs; new objects and file structure.
0.06 Wed Jul 12 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
* Method 'create' now returns numeric ID of the new object.
* RT::Interface::REST is no longer a requirement. If it is not
installed, embedded copy of auxiliary methods is used.
* Added tests.
0.05 Thu Apr 20 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
* Added RT::Client::REST::CouldNotCreateObjectException
0.04 Wed Apr 19 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
* Removed old print statements
0.03 Wed Apr 19 2006 "Dmitri Tikhonov" <dtikhonov@vonage.com>
This is the initial release.
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