0.16_4 2013-11-02 13:45:19 Europe/Minsk
[Fix] Remove Test::Pod from tests to fix building
0.16_3 2013-10-27 12:52:59 Europe/Minsk
[Fix] Minor fixes in distribution, e.g. add git repository url
0.16_2 2013-09-13 00:24:15 Europe/Minsk
[Fix] Once again fix watcher's unique_id generation algorithm.
[API] GenericExecutor Watcher now has 'beautifyer' closure, which is been
applied for every line of filtered output
0.16_1 2013-09-10 00:16:59 Europe/Minsk
[Fix] Do not include POSIX in dependencies.
0.16 2013-09-10 00:04:16 Europe/Minsk
Added GenericExecutor Watcher to periodically execute arbitrary command
and watch/view it's output
The watcher's unique_id generation algorithm changed to handle correctly
deep configuration structures.
[API] Watcher Memory now stores 'active' state of Watcher
[API] Watcher role now requires 'callback' parameter in instance construction,
'start' method does not takes the callback as 2nd parameter any more
0.15 2013-08-31 23:01:57 Europe/Minsk
Ping Watcher now supports ICMP ping (via Net::Ping::External) as well as TCP knock
[API] Watcher has 'build_watcher_guard' method, which is responsible for constructing
AnyEvent-based guard (AnyEvent->timer etc.)
[API] Watcher role now has 'Describable' role
[API] Watcher role now has 'force_poll' and 'start' methods
[API] Describable role now has 'describe', 'describer' and 'description' methods
0.14_01 2013-08-26 20:23:25 Europe/Minsk
[fix] Build on older ExtUtils::MakeMaker (RT #88080)
FileTail watcher was seperated as Linux-specific into App::PerlWatcher::Watcher::FileTail
0.14 2013-08-24 17:27:29 Europe/Minsk
Relased to CPAN
Make the default/sample config more adequate for default installation
[fix] File watcher: don't die, if tracked file can't be found
[fix] Added missing dependencies
0.13 2013-08-18 17:13:20 Europe/Minsk
Added POD documentation
Added Openable role to make RSS-news items openable in browser
Finalize Mooification
[API change] Engine does not takes an backend_id any more, provide the backend instance
for that. Added Backend role for that.
[API change] The available leves are exported via App::PerlWatcher::Levels now
0.12 2013-07-30 17:26:47 Europe/Minsk
Updated Sortable to 2.45
Mirgration to Moo instead of bare perl v5 OOP
[config change] FileTail: lines -> lines_number
[config change] Rss: _items_count-> items_number
0.11 2013-07-25 12:16:37 Europe/Minsk
The build was adopted to travis-ci
Persists application state (statuses with levels) between invocations
Added Weather watcher
[fix] Build correctly on perl v5.12
0.10 2013-07-08 01:05:47 Europe/Minsk
Use Dist::Zilla's @git plugins bundle
0.09 2013-07-08 00:49:44 Europe/Minsk
Separation Gtk frontend from main engine
0.08 2013-06-27 23:44:24 Europe/Minsk
- Moved to using Dist::Zilla instead of old-school ExtUtils::MakeMaker