Revision history for Perl extension Spreadsheet::XLSC.

0.01  Thu Mar 13 09:41:52 2008

	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-A -X -n Spreadsheet::XLSC --skip-exporter --skip-autoloader

0.02  Mon May 12 07:02:31 UTC 2008

	- fixed a bug with 1st dictionnary string (thanks SSIMMS:
	- prereq relaxed (thanx SSIMMS:
0.03  Tue May 20 05:18:41 UTC 2008

	- fixed the incorrect mapping for columns > AA (thanks JMELTZER
	- added support for r:id attribute (Ibid)

0.04  Fri Nov 14 09:25:47 MSK 2008

	- RE fixed for the case of opening <t ...> with attributes (thanks Loreyna Yeung)

0.05  Fri Dec 12 17:28:23 MSK 2008
	- a lot of fixes by Rob Polocz (dependency on Spreadsheet::ParseExcel introduced): 
	-- Added support for styles and formatted strings; 
	-- create and use ParseExcel Workbook, Spreadsheet, and Cell objects; 
	-- 1904 date convention support; 
	-- empty tag support; 
	-- received permission from the Spreadsheet::ParseExcel guys to leverage the formatting classes and check them in to this project.
0.06  Tue Dec 16 18:06:17 MSK 2008

	- files missed from MANMIFEST and, therefore, from .tar.gz :-( Sorry, everybody!