- $conf caching;
- $preconf -> {master_server} -> {skip_libs} introduced;
- subversion support added (by PASHKA!!!):
create - initial sources can be obtained from svn repository
svn_import - importing project to svn repository
svn_commit - commit changes, add and delete files automatically
svn_update = svn update
- SAMPLE cutted down (by do)
- $local_preconf -> {static} added;
- $local_preconf -> {skip_tables} added;
- timings added;
- small typo in logging fixed;
- fixed broken symlink latest.tar.gz;
- fixed timestamp format (%02d);
- added mysql table type is sweeped off;
- 'cleanup' command added;
- fixed for compatibility with Zanas::Loader;
- get rid of template & XML;
- db password quoted;
- db password masked;
- static content (/docroot/i) is backed up/restored;
- sample application changed to public site/cm system;
- sync_up documented;
- autmatic backup_local before each restore_local;
- support for snapshots/latest.tar.gz;
- autmatic backup_master_libs before each sync_up;
- restore_master_libs: support for snapshots/latest-libs.tar.gz;
0.5: 09.03.04
- fork from Zanas.pm;
- Term::ReadPassword support added;
- pods added;
- backup/restore and replication support added;