Revision history for Perl extension Acme::Spork.

0.0.1  Fri Jan  6 12:02:38 2006
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXc -n Acme::Spork

0.0.2  Mon Jan  9 20:36:42 2006
	- made spork return PID of sporked process

0.0.3  Mon Jan  9 20:36:78 2006
	- realized I hadn't put this in the change log after uploading 0.0.2, doh!
        - or updated the version in README
	- added "the" to the POD near plastic for good measure
	- make spork() return (instead of croak) if fork fails so you can handle the failure as need be
	- added child sig so zombies do not happen, we hope anyhoo ;p
        - slowed down to hopefully not miss the stupid stuff

0.0.4  Tue Sep 12 20:38:30 CDT 2006
    - added daemonize_without_close_on()
    - added local $SIG{'HUP'} until Proc::Daemon comes around
	- fixed 0.0.3 above :)
	- fixed daemonize() example use of Unix::Pid to properly do pid file after daemonize changes the pid