Revision history for Perl extension File::Copy::Recursive.

0.43 Sat Apr 21 15:39:09 2018
    - pull request #16 - strip down list of prerequisites to modules that are safe to use high on
      the CPAN river (thanks karenetheridge)

0.42 Fri Apr 20 23:42:41 2018
    - rt 125136 - reinstate 5.8 compat by not using // operator in the new unc test (thanks SREZIC)
    - pull request #14 - Add .gitignore. (thanks jkeenan)
    - pull request #13 - File::Find::Rule is used in the test suite but not named as a prequisite in Makefile.PL. (thanks jkeenan)

0.41 Thu Apr 19 15:58:12 2018
    - Issue #10 and #8: fix Makefile.PL; add github metadata (thanks karenetheridge and chorny)
    - Issue #11: Fix the test failure described in RT#123964 (thanks tomhukins and SREZIC)
    - Issue #9: Fixes for Windows (thanks chorny)
    - rt 124324 - fix v0.40 changelog date (thanks ANDK)
    - rt 124151 - pathrm with force on should guard against absolute paths (thanks chorny)
    - rt 124423 - have fcopy() work around File::Copy::copy() bug rt132866 (thanks DROLSKY)
    - Issue #12 and rt 124166 - set umask for reliability (thanks teoric and ether)
    - rt 43328 - add ULC test to verify pathmk() w/ ULC (thanks willi.weikum and LouisStrous)

0.40 Tue Jan 16 10:00:09 2018
    - github Issue #5 - Deep directories pathmk
    - rt 123966 - switch to bsd_glob() since glob() will disappear in perl 5.30
    - rt 123971 - skip symlink tests when the OS does not support symlinks
    - rt 123970 - use Path::Tiny instead of File::Slurp in tests
    - rt 117241 - add test for read only directories

0.39 Fri Dec 29 13:26:12 2017
    - tidy code
    - Change into directory before emptying it
    - Stop emptying/removing a path if it is changed out from underneath us
    - pathrm() fixes
    - Actual unit tests!

0.38  Sun Dec  7 22:35:42 2008
    - do rmove() symlink fixups like rcopy() from ver 0.37
    - rt 29750 (added $DirPerms)
    - Added requested rcopy_glob() && rmove_glob() for convenience

0.37  Thu Oct  9 11:52:54 2008
    - rt 38959 POD fix ups
    - improved rcopy() symlink logic and do &goto; to preserve the stack
    - added "tests" to the TODO list, patches welcome!

0.36  Wed Apr 16 15:32:36 2008
    - made all bareword file handles be lexical variables if the perl is new enough to support it (5.6.0 and up, see 'Indirect Filehandles' in perlopentut)

0.35  Mon Aug 27 16:18:53 2007
	- fixed rt 29008

0.34  Tue Aug 21 09:41:05 2007
	- samecheck return; instead of croak;
	- remaining croak()'s to $! = .. return;

0.33  Thu May 10 12:19:36 2007
	- Sorry missed this one w/ 0.32... rt 25529

0.32  Wed May  9 20:56:55 2007
	- rt 26459

0.31  Wed Jan 24 16:42:15 2007
	- Fixed "Uninitialized value in -e ... line 196" problem. (Thanks Ben Thomas)
	- Fixed similar issue in nearby code (use of $_[0] instead of $org)
	- removed pointless at best, vague problem at best !-e readlink() check from symlink patch from 21267 introduced in 0.26

0.30  Fri Dec  8 14:26:49 2006
    - Added $BdTrgWrn to quiet warnings by default (rt 23861)
    - added backwards compat for pre 5.6 perls (rt 21800)
    - Added $SkipFlop (rt request 21503)

0.29  Tue Oct 31 12:21:20 2006
    - Made fcopy() do samecheck if $RMTrgFil is used and is triggered to avoid it removing the file before it can be copied to itself.

0.28  Thu Sep  7 15:27:06 2006
	- rebundled with make dist under COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE=true for
	 21378, thnaks Robert Boone for that excellent solution!

0.27  Wed Sep  6 23:46:16 2006
	- quick rename so it can be uploaded fresh due to pause upload mishap

0.26  Wed Sep  6 23:45:16 2006
    - added local DIE SIG as per 21351
    - handle symlinks whose target's are missing more gracefully - 21267

0.25  Mon Jul  3 10:20:50 2006
	- [forgot to add this one... ??]

0.24  Thu Jun 22 13:32:55 2006
	- fixed bug 20045

0.23  Thu Jun  1 08:40:53 2006
	- fixed bug 19637

0.22  Thu May 11 08:18:36 2006
	- fixed bug 19205

0.21  Mon Apr 24 12:28:11 2006
        - made dircopy() use fcopy() instead of copy() for files so that it'd behave consistently and correctly
	- updated some POD

0.20  Tue Apr 11 15:29:37 2006
        - fixed bug 18667
	- added $CondCopy functionality to dircopy() (and subsequently dirmove() and rcopy() and rmove() when handling directpries)

0.19  Mon Feb 27 07:37:01 2006
	- added missing "star check" to rcopy() (thanks Ben Thomas)
	- added "star check" to rmove() and had it removed if necessary, to make passing the same variables to rcopy and rmove will work ok
	- added untainting and slight "best practive" cleanup to a for loop

0.18  Sun Jan 29 13:34:37 2006
	- added parens to the opendir() calls to avoid spurious 5.8.1 and < warnings, thanks Chris Scott for letting me know about it
	- fixed change log 0.17 mistype {(0 to ()} :)

0.17  Thu Jan 26 11:51:01 2006
	- fixed pathempty() calling close() instead of closedir() (17295, thanks Stoian for bringing that out)
        - changed handles to variables as per "Perl Best Pratices"
        - change a readir to us single quote sinstead o double since no interpolation is being done

0.16  Mon Aug 29 08:06:14 2005
	- fixed fcopy() + $RMTrgFil spurious behavior when target is a directory

0.15  Fri Aug 26 08:40:26 2005
	- changed $RMTrgDir and $RMTrgFil to carp() instead of warn() and with slightly more useful message
	- fixed issue with VERSION() that conflicted with UNIVERSAL's VERSION functionality
	- added "TO DO" regarding an OO interface

0.14  Thu Aug 25 14:19:58 2005
	- added $RMTrgDir and $RMTrgFil functionality

0.13  Wed Aug 24 14:41:14 2005
	- added cp -rf star glob funtionality to better emulate cp -rf when using $CPRFComp
	- fixed possible "read-only" value error/warning when $CPRFComp is in effect

0.12  Wed Aug 24 09:18:01 2005
	- Fixed absolute path bug in pathmk()

0.11  Sun Aug 21 16:04:10 2005
	- Added the *move and path* functions
	- Added $CopyLoop
	- Made fcopy() recursively create its base directories if necessary like dircopy() did in 0.09 on

0.10  Sat Aug  6 17:01:12 2005
	- fixed indent in "SEE ALSO" POD that made it render badly
	- Added $PFSCheck

0.09  Fri Aug  5 18:59:11 2005
	- made dircopy handle symlinks properly
        - made dircopy recursivley create a multiple directory target dir if necessary
        - added $CPRFComp

0.08  Fri Jul 29 14:35:44 2005
	- fixed side effect of 0.07 not returning properly

0.07  Mon Jul 18 18:32:36 2005
        - changed dircopy to return if subsequent copy fails (IE liek permission denied) so that "or [warn|die] $!" will work recursively also

0.06  Fri Apr 15 11:25:27 2005
        - cleaned up Makefile.PL
        - added symlink preservation support (Thanks to Troy Goodson for pointing out that need)

0.05  Mon Jan 24 19:10:50 2005
	- removed Makefile.PL perl version restriction

0.04  Tue Jan 18 20:59:44 2005
	- added File::Copy::Recursive::VERSION(), not sure why I missed it before ;p
	- removed use 5.008001; since its not dependant on any version

0.03  Mon Jan 17 19:11:19 2005
	- fixed documentation misspelling

0.02  Tue Dec  7 06:45:42 2004
	- added documentation about return values that was left out
	- changed return pardigm for fcopy() so if rcopy() was called in list context on a file you wouldn't get uninitialized value warnings.

0.01  Sun Dec  5 16:04:10 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-AXc -n File::Copy::Recursive